Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Dear Parents, Guardians and Caregivers,

Welcome back to all of our families - those new to our school, those returning to in-person learning  and those who have elected to learn online through the TDSB virtual school.

Our staff, new and returning, are excited to be a part of your child's learning journey.  I would like to thank the entire staff and community for the outstanding effort they have put forth in making this year's start up a successful one.  Resiliency, cooperation, teamwork and empathy will continue to guide us. 

As caring adults we are committed to providing every student with a safe and caring environment that will nurture the mental health, varied lived experiences and well-being of each child.  As 'Bucket Fillers" our school community is built upon our school agreements of Mutual Respect, Attentive Listening, Appreciation/No Put Downs and Participation/The Right to Pass.

With a strong foundation built upon equity and character we are able to move forward as educators to collaborate, plan, develop and carry out meaningful and rich learning experiences with our students.  A school where culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy - inquiry projects, presentations and rich problem solving activities allow room for creativity, innovations and global competencies to thrive.

A confident learner with the ability to : collaborate, communicate, think critically, be creative, exhibit strong character and understand global citizenry will be a positive and contributing member of 21st Century society.