Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome back to all of our families - those new to our school, those returning to in-person learning  and those who have elected to learn online through the TDSB virtual school.

Our staff, new and returning are excited to be a part of your child's learning journey.  I would like to thank the entire staff and community for the outstanding effort they have put forth in making this year's start up a successful one.  Resiliency, cooperation, teamwork and compassion will continue to guide us. 

As caring adults we are committed to providing every student with a safe and caring environment that will nurture the mental health, varied lived experiences and well being of each child.  As 'Bucket Fillers" our school community is built upon our school agreements of Mutual Respect, Attentive Listening, Appreciation/No Put Downs and Participation/The Right to Pass.

With a strong foundation built upon equity and character we are able to move forward as educators to collaborate, plan, develop and carry out meaningful and rich learning experiences with our students.  A school where redundant repetitive worksheets are replaced with culturally relevant and responsive pedagody - inquiry projects, presentations and rich problem solving activities.

A confident learner with the ability to : collaborate, communicate, think critically, be creative, exhibit strong character and understand global citizenry will be a positive and contributing member of 21st Century society.