The School Council is pleased to organize and host events for parents that can support our students and school community as well as fundraising events that bring the community together.
Upcoming Events and Happenings in 2024-2025

Handouts: Literacy Night Handouts
Presentation: Math Engagement Parent Information Session November 5
SAB Winter Bazaar Returns in 2024!
Join us for the Annual Winter Bazaar!
On November 23, 2024, come to SAB for a festive day packed with fun and holiday cheer! Open to the entire community, from 10am - 3pm, this year’s Winter Bazaar features over 20 local vendors, an Adventure Zone with inflatables, bouncy castles, and obstacle courses, plus plenty of games and activities. Enjoy our Holiday Food kitchen, Bake Sale, LED-POP dance party, silent auction, raffles, holiday arts and crafts, Face Painting, cookie decorating, and special photo experiences. Kids can shop in the Secret Gift Shop and enjoy hands-on fun with Code Ninja, Mad Science, and much more exciting surprises to be announced in the coming weeks!
Don’t miss out on this unforgettable event!
Save the date, invite your friends and family and join us for some fun and festivities at the Winter Bazaar, an event that has been cherished by our community for over 65 years!
Past Events
October 25: SAB Family Halloween Dance and Fundraiser
Mathematics for Human Flourishing: A math workshop for parents and caregivers of SAB Students
Led by Trevor Brown, Assc. Professor of Education at Tyndale University, this session provides a conceptual understanding of the math being taught at SAB to support kids in their learning. Aimed at math concepts taught in JK to Gr 5.
Take-home laterals include: handouts, information on Canadian Math Kangaroo, a Rekenreck, Ten frames, and Base Ten games/learning tool to make math fun at home.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The Freedom School Toronto delivered a 3-part parent workshop series on how to talk to your kids about race and racism.
1. Anti-Black Racism in Canada
2. How to Talk to Your Kids About Racism
3. Anti-Black Racism in Ontario’s School System – Reacting as a School Community
The Freedom School Toronto PDF of presentations: Click Here
As well, here are links to some of the videos:
And book recommendations:
Digital literacy
Telus Wise presented two workshops on digital literacy. They focussed on topics including screen time, gaming, sexting, cyberbullying, living in a digital society, internet, smartphone and social media safety.
Powerpoint of presentation
Additional resources are available on this page: by selecting Resources > Browse all TELUS Wise Resources. Then filter for parents (Audience) and Guides and Resources (Resource type).
Race and anti-racism
Jonathan Hood, from, presented two interactive workshops on empowering parents to talk about race.
Nine Ways Families, Schools and Communities Nurture a Child’s Resilience
Dr. Michael Ungar, Ph.D, from and, spoke about how to build resilience in our children.
PowerPoint of Presentation