



The School Council is pleased to organize and host events for parents that can support our students and school community.

Upcoming Events

Mathematics for Human Flourishing: A math workshop for parents and caregivers of SAB Students

Monday, December 4th, 2023, 6-8pm, Alderwood Library

Math homework got you puzzled?

Led by Trevor Brown, Assc. Professor of Education at Tyndale University, this session provides a conceptual understanding of the math being taught at SAB to support kids in their learning. Aimed at math concepts taught in JK to Gr 5.

Take-home laterals include: handouts, information on Canadian Math Kangaroo, a Rekenreck, Ten frames, and Base Ten games/learning tool to make math fun at home.

Child minding will be provided.

Register for the event here.


Past Events


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The Freedom School Toronto delivered a 3-part parent workshop series on how to talk to your kids about race and racism.
         1. Anti-Black Racism in Canada

2. How to Talk to Your Kids About Racism

3. Anti-Black Racism in Ontario’s School System – Reacting as a School Community

The Freedom School Toronto PDF of presentations: Click Here

As well, here are links to some of the videos:

And book recommendations:


Digital literacy

Telus Wise presented two workshops on digital literacy. They focussed on topics including screen time, gaming, sexting, cyberbullying, living in a digital society, internet, smartphone and social media safety.

Powerpoint of presentation

Additional resources are available on this page:  by selecting Resources > Browse all TELUS Wise Resources. Then filter for parents (Audience) and Guides and Resources (Resource type).



Race and anti-racism

Jonathan Hood, from, presented two interactive workshops on empowering parents to talk about race. 

Nine Ways Families, Schools and Communities Nurture a Child’s Resilience

Dr. Michael Ungar, Ph.D, from and, spoke about how to build resilience in our children.

PowerPoint of Presentation