

September 2022

Dear VSS Students, Parents and Guardians:

We hope everyone has had a safe and enjoyable summer break.  Welcome to the TDSB Virtual Secondary School and a special welcome to our grade nine students. Entering grade nine is an exciting time - new opportunities for friendships, academic pursuits, and co-curricular interests.  We hope that all students will find something that will encourage them to find an interest and join a club, council, or activity. To keep up to date with everything that is going on at the school please add our school website to your favourites (

We know there have been many challenges faced by families over the last few years and we are looking forward to seeing students online with us and engaged in the many opportunities available to them. The school year will be broken down into two semesters and students will have four courses per semester.  Students will follow a two-day cycle with Day 1 falling on odd days and Day 2 on even days.  Lunch will return to an hour in length.  Timetables were sent out yesterday via school messenger to all students and will be available for students to access using the TDSB Connects App.

The schedule for Wednesday, September 7th, 2022 will be a Day 1 Regular Schedule:


REGULAR DAY 1 (odd days)


Period 1

9:00 - 10:20 a.m.

Class “A”

Period 2

10:25 - 11:40 a.m.

Class “B”


11:40 - 12:40 p.m.


Period 3

12:40 - 1:55 p.m.

Class “C”

Period 4

2:00 - 3:15 p.m.

Class “D”

On all even days, we will have the Day 2 Schedule. The only change is that the two afternoon classes switch order which looks like below:


REGULAR  DAY 2 (even days)


Period 1

9:00 - 10:20 a.m.

Class “A”

Period 2

10:25 - 11:40 a.m.

Class “B”


11:40 - 12:40 p.m.


Period 3

12:40 - 1:55 p.m.

Class “D”

Period 4

2:00 - 3:15 p.m.

Class “C”

To access your “virtual” classrooms please login at the following address:

Log in using your TDSB Student Number and Password.

Once you are on the “AW” site click on “Resources” from the menu bar and select “BrightSpace”. You will be able to see your classes on the right-hand side as per your timetable that was sent to you yesterday. If you do not see your classes right away, that is okay, your teachers will activate the shells on the morning of Wednesday, September 7th for you to be able to see. Please remember that attendance is very important, and we want you all to get a good start to the school year. Your success will depend on you being “present” in class. A present can be defined as the camera on; ready to answer when asked a question, verbally or through the chat. If this may be a struggle for you at this time, that is okay, we have a support team to be able to help you overcome this obstacle and work with you to find solutions.

For those students who need to make timetable changes, we ask for your patience, with nearly 1500 students; guidance counsellors will be working hard to correct any timetable issues or needs to change courses (such as you taking a summer course and through the hard work you earned an extra credit towards your 30. Congratulations).

If you need a change for whatever reason, please use the link below and our guidance staff will work to accommodate your needs.

Timetable Change Request Form

Please note: Until timetable changes have been made to your schedule you are expected to attend the class that is on your schedule.


N. Rowe

R. Murray
Vice Principal

Vice Principal