Wednesday, January 23, 2019 11:39 AM
“In this picture I was telling everyone to recycle batteries because our school has a been in the top 10 spot out of 100 different schools in the Battery Recycle Challenge. Please recycle your batteries and bring them in to Westmount!”
Simra and Saweda
In December, the character trait of the month was Kindness and Caring which was being worked on by Ms.Leavoy and Ms. Ayllon’s classes.Last year Ms.Leavoys class decided to hide kind messages on rocks like “You Rock”, “You are special”. This year we decided to write random acts of kindness on slips of paper whether it either happened to you or to someone else. The whole school participated! If you were at the assembly, you saw everyone connect the chains. You see that together, when everyone is kind, the world is a better place. SAMI
The Kindness and Caring Chains decorated the gym for our Talent Show.