
School Policies and Procedures 2023-2024

  1. Our school hours are from 9:15am -3:25pm.
  2. If your child is absent from school, please call the school at 394-7724. It is very important that you notify the school if your child is ill or will be late for school.
  3. There is no schoolyard supervision before 9am, please ensure that your child's arrival at school will be at or after 9am.
  4. Students are to enter school at designated entry/exit doors at 9:15 am (see Community Update - August 30, 2023).
  5. It is important that your child's classroom teacher and the school office staff know who is picking your child up from school every day. If there are any changes, please advise the school in writing or call the office at 416-394-7720.  If there are unexpected changes the primary contact on file will be contacted.
  6. The school needs to have an up-to-date phone number for every student.  Please inform the school if your home, work or cell phone number changes as soon as possible.
  7. Please make sure that your child comes dressed for the weather. In the winter this includes winter boots & snow pants. Please send a pair of  shoes with your child to school every day for indoor use in the winter or leave a pair at school. 
  8.  All classroom teachers have made use of virtual platforms (Google Classroom or Brightspace) to keep in regular contact with families and students.  Families are encouraged to reach out to teachers using this platform, by emailing the classroom teacher (please see the Staff Directory) or by calling the school.
  9. The Lunch Break is from 12 - 12:45pm. Grades 1A, 1B, 1/2A, 2A, 2/3A & 3A will eat their lunch from 12 - 12:20pm and have lunch recess from 12:20-12:40pm.  Grades 3/4, 4/5A and 4/5B will have lunch recess from 12 - 12:20pm and eat lunch from 12:20 - 12:40pm and Kindergarten will have lunch from 11:30-12pm and lunch recess from 12-12:45pm.
  10. If your child is going to eat lunch at school, please send their lunch with them in the morning. Westmount is a Platinum EcoSchool and encourages lunches that are litterless.
  11. If a child goes home for lunch, they are expected to return at the end of lunch (12:40pm).
  12. At the end of the day, students are to be picked up at the designated areas.
  13. If there are any changes to your child's regular departure routine please contact the office (416-394-7720) well in advance of dismissal  (3:25pm) or send your child with a signed letter.


Thank you for your cooperation