Yorkview’s dynamic learning environment supports and challenges students to develop to their full potential in a changing, global society.
Think Before You Act
Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Reasonable and Safe
Yorkview is a centre for learning that emphasizes mutual respect and self-worth.
Expectations for Staff
- Provide a safe, supportive, and challenging learning environment
- Support every student academically, personally, and socially
- Be a positive role model
- Solve problems by talking
- Provide a clear outline of the program, the expectations, and assessments
Expectations for Students
- Attend school prepared, on time, and ready to learn
- Prepare and work to the best of your ability
- Respect the rights and property of others
- Solve problems by talking
- Practise the 3R’s of Recycle Reduce Reuse
- Chewing gum, bicycles, skateboards, and roller blades are NOT permitted on school property
- The TDSB is not responsible for personal electronic devices brought to school.
- Students should leave personal items and toys at home.
Expectations for Parents
- Ensure regular and punctual attendance
- Prepare your child for learning with good nutrition, hygiene, and rest
- Solve problems by talking
- Be a positive role model: demonstrate support and respect for school staff
- Show interest and support for the school
Opportunities for growth and learning will be a priority when discussing inappropriate behaviour with students. The school’s Code of Conduct, Board policies/documents, and government legislation outline consequences for unacceptable student conduct.