Great staff, great kids, great families...great place to be!
Seneca Hill Public School is a Kindergarten to Grade 5 school located in the northeast part of the city, south of Finch Avenue, east of Don Mills Road and just south of Seneca College.
Seneca Hill P.S. is a dual program school in that we house a regional gifted program which draws from the wider community for students in Grade 4 and 5. We also have a regular Junior Kindergarten program.
Phoenix Daycare Centre (416-492-8888), a community based program, works closely with the school. Children from two and one half years old and up are provided with a stimulating, nurturing program. There is a before and after school program for school-age children. The daycare is accommodated in the building.
Seneca Hill Public School was established over forty years ago. From the outset, the parents of the students at Seneca Hill have been involved in the life of the school. This tradition continues to the present day. We continue to have an active School Council that supports the school in many ways. The school is responsive and sensitive to the challenges presented by a very diverse population with a number of languages represented. We have developed connections to the community to facilitate ongoing communication. As a community-based school we are committed to the principles of excellence, safety, equity, and partnerships.