School Visitors

School Visitors

School Visitors sign in

For security reasons and to minimize the disruption of classes, all visitors to Seneca Hill are asked to report to the office.
 Safety Cameras are in place at Seneca Hill P. S.  Please buzz only once and the door will be unlocked and then you can enter.   If a special arrangement needs to be made for your child to be picked up early for an appointment, we will be happy to have him/her waiting for you at the front office.

In general, the use of school telephones by students is not allowed unless there is an emergency.  Important messages that need to be relayed to your child during the school day can be arranged by contacting the Office Administrator at 416-395-2840.

During the Land Acknowledgement & playing of our national anthem, parents and other visitors are asked to stand quietly until it is finished.  All visitors to the school are requested to leave the building by the nearest exit during a fire drill.