CR Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan

CR Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan

We at CR Marchant Middle School are:

  • Committed to providing a safe, inclusive, accessible, and positive Learning Climate, that is welcoming, to all students free from discrimination, oppression and harm. 

A positive school climate exists when:

  • everyone in the school community feels safe, included and accepted
  • everyone actively promotes positive behaviours and interactions
  • equity and inclusive education are embedded in the learning environment daily
  • there is a culture of mutual respect and our identity is seen as a contribution
  • A positive school climate is a crucial component of preventing inappropriate behaviours.

The role of this committee should include but is not limited to the following:

  • Develop and annually review the School Bullying Prevention Plan
  • Implement and analyze data from the School Climate Surveys
  • Identify and implement bullying prevention and intervention programs that address the needs of OUR school
  • Identify relationship building and community building programs relevant to the needs of OUR school
  • Assist with training and awareness raising strategies for staff, students and parents / guardians
  • Communicate bullying prevention and intervention strategies and reporting procedures to the school communities 

To develop a more positive school climate:

We all have a role to play in modeling positive, inclusive and respectful language and behaviour daily.

To help achieve a positive school climate, CR Marchant MUST:

  1. Actively promote and support positive healthy relationships that reflect the school board's code of conduct as well as equity and inclusive education policies
  2. Invite members of the broader community to become actively involved in this effort as part of the school community

A. Intervention Strategies 

  • Discuss the different levels of incidents of bullying and how we as a school should respond to the incident
  • In responding to Level 1 incidents, where safety is not threatened, our school will: Respond to Students Who Have Bullied Others and those Who Have Been Bullied and finally Respond to Students Observing the Bullying
  • In responding to Level 2 incidents, where bullying continues or safety is threatened, our school will: consequences and support intensifies to ensure the victim gets the support and assurance that the incident is being dealt with.

B. Training Strategies For Members Of The School Community

  • Our school will ensure that all administrators, teachers, and educational assistants are trained on bullying prevention and intervention strategies, cultural sensitivity and respect for diversity, and special educational needs, as mandated in Section 4.11 of P.065. We will accomplish this by: 
  • Bullying Prevention and Intervention 
  • Cultural Sensitivity and Respect for Diversity
  • Special Education Needs 

C. Communication and Outreach Strategies 

  • Create programs and initiatives that look at bringing in the whole school together.

D. Monitoring and Review Processes

  • A monitoring and review process shall be established to determine the effectiveness of bullying prevention and intervention policies and procedures.

E. System and Provincial Supports 

  • While much of the work happens at the local level, policies and procedures are in place at both the system and provincial levels to support this work.

Training Strategies for Staff and Members of the School Community

Members of our school community will receive Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive training through:

  • Board professional development workshops
  • Online training for new employees
  • Staff meetings
  • Provision of professional development materials and resources   

Parents/Community Communication and Outreach Strategies

We will communicate our Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive strategies and initiatives by:

  • Including our Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive Plan in our school/student handbook
  • Including information inserts in our school newsletters and other in-house publications
  • Sharing information during school assemblies and announcements
  • Sharing information at School Council, parent meetings, and at staff meetings
  • Integrating Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusion into classroom instruction
  • Posting our Bullying Prevention Plan and Safe, Equitable and Inclusive Schools strategy on our school website
  • Informing parents and school volunteers of our procedures for reporting incidents of bullying and inequity
  • Assisting parents to build awareness and knowledge so they may support our school Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive strategies

Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive Responsibilities




  • Closely supervise students in all areas of the school and school grounds
  • Watch for signs of bullying and stopping it when it happens
  • Respond quickly and sensitively to bullying reports (Affirm, Ask, Assess, Act)
  • Take seriously parents’ concerns about bullying incidents
  • Assign consequences for bullying as per TDSB Policies
  • Teach students our procedures for reporting incidents of bullying
  • Treat everyone respectfully
  • Refuse to bully
  • Refuse to let others be bullied  
  • Refuse to watch, laugh or join in when someone is being  
  • Report bullying to an adult (Have discussions with students about “ratting”  -  Talk about the snitching culture)
  • Use The Peer Mediators to help resolve common conflicts
  • Model positive ways of getting along with others
  • Help their children find ways to express anger that do not  involve hurting others physically or emotionally
  • Teach problem solving skills - PRACTICE MINDFULNESS AT HOME
  • Help their children understand the value of accepting and celebrating individual differences
  • Be alert to signs their child is being bullied or may be bullying others