The TDSB’s renewed Multi-Year Strategic Plan Inspiring Minds and Shaping Futures, sets the direction and identifies system goals for the next four years (2024-2028). The MYSP is built on the foundation of equity and a commitment to implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action.
The renewed MYSP (2024-2028) has five strategic directions: Truth and Reconciliation, Achieve, Thrive, Belong and Revitalize.
EQUITY - Equity is a principle that will continue to guide the TDSB in all that it does. Equity will be foundational to all TDSB work and will be embedded throughout the strategic directions.
TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION - We commit to the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action.
BELONG - All students belong, are engaged, and valued in an inclusive environment.
ACHIEVE - All students reach high levels of achievement, success, and personal development.
THRIVE - All students graduate with the confidence, skills, and knowledge to thrive.
REVITALIZE - All students and staff learn and work in inclusive, safe, and modern environments.
We Value
- Each and every student’s interests, strengths, passions, identities and perspectives on their education
- Partnerships with students, parents/caregivers/guardians, staff, community partners, and education partners
- A strong public education system that promotes full participation by identifying, removing, and preventing accessibility barriers so that all students, including students with disabilities/special education needs and intersecting identities, are provided with opportunities to realize their full potential
- The diversity of students, parents/caregivers/guardians, staff, community partners, and education partners
- Shared leadership and respectful working relationships
- Accountability and innovation
- The contributions of a highly skilled and diverse staff
- Digital citizenship and environmental stewardship
Conditions for Success
The conditions for success are factors that contribute to the successful implementation of the Multi-Year Strategic Plan, 2024-2028. Learn more
- Partnering with Parents/ Caregivers/Guardians and Community
- Culture of Human Rights and Respect
- Accessibility and Inclusion
- Strategic, Agile and Equitable Leadership
- Effective Communication
Areas of Focus
Achieve: All students reach high levels of achievement, success and personal development.
- Curriculum Fidelity
- Implement Explicit Instruction and Inquiry-Based Learning in K-12
Thrive: All students graduate with the confidence, skills and knowledge to thriver.
- implement evidence-based interventions and strategies to close gaps and support transitions.
- Grade 7-12: Implement a range of course offerings and opportunities that support all pathways.
Belong: All students are engaged, and are valued in an inclusive environment.
- Develop an Inclusive Culture
- Implement Mental Health Curriculum and Pathways to Care
Goal #1: Achieve/Thrive
SIP Goal #1: We will identify students underachieving at level 1 or 2 in mathematics and language and use various strategies to meet the needs of the diverse learners to decrease the number of students working at levels 1 and 2 by 30% in Language and 25% in Mathematics. We will also directly address the issues of social difference and discrimination.
Goal #2: Belong/Thrive
SIP Goal #2: We will work collaboratively to create a positive, safe and inclusive environment where all students and their families feel respected and valued as we incorporate both student and parent voices into lessons and school-wide initiatives/activities.
Goal #3: Indigenous Education
SIP Goal #3: Working together as a staff we will deepen our understanding of Indigenous perspectives in all aspects of the curriculum as evidenced by connecting to the land acknowledgement, seeing Indigenous resources & lessons in classrooms and using the strategis/lessons in Ensouling Our Schools: A Universally Designed Framework for Mental Health, Well-Being and Reconciliation.