Eco Club

Dallington's Eco Club




Dallington has been certified PLATINUM for 2022-23! Félicitations to our EcoTeam!


Dallington’s commitment to protecting and improving the environment has earned us Platinum EcoSchools certification with the Toronto District School Board. Our EcoClub helps to introduce and run various initiatives throughout the school. Each year we introduce new initiatives that engage our whole community in reducing, reusing and recycling activities, from litterless lunches to greening our outdoor space. Ecological literacy is an integral part of our classroom programs at Dallington. Our students, staff and parent community constantly strive to make environmental awareness part of everything we do.



·             Get children to help pack their lunches with healthy foods.

·             Only pack as much food as your child will eat.

·             Use a reusable lunch bag/box for carrying a lunch.

·             Use a refillable bottle for drinks

·             If you choose to use a single-serving container, please make sure it is recyclable.

·             Put sandwiches, muffins, etc. in reusable containers, instead of plastic bags. Label them with your child’s name so they have a better chance of coming home.

·             Avoid pre-packaged, single-serve portions of snacks.

·             Put re-usable napkins in your child’s lunch box.

Prepare extra food at dinnertime and use the leftovers for lunches. Minimize the morning rush by packing lunches the night before and refrigerating overnight. We look forward to your support and hope you will consider packing waste-free lunches on a regular basis following the Waste-Free Lunch Challenge.