Code of Behaviour and Dress Code

Code of Behaviour

School safety and the right of every individual to a violence and harassment free learning environment is our first priority. 

COURTESY towards every person who enters the school, staff and students alike. 
This means recognizing the equality and dignity of all persons: 
- according respect to members of every race, religion, culture, sex and age 
- using language which reflects respect for self and others 
- courteous and respectful treatment of all school staff and students 

CARE in the use of the school building, grounds and all the equipment provided by the educational authorities of the city. 
This means demonstrating respect for the property of others: 
- listening to audio equipment only with headphones and at a volume inaudible to others 
- using care to maintain a clean, litter-free school 
- not parking on school property 
- posting only those notices, bulletins which have been approved and that are specific to Earl Haig 
- not using in-line skates, skateboards, scooters or bicycles in the school building 

Student responsibilities include: 
- arriving on time and prepared for classes 
- attending regularly 
- providing notes for absence 
- refraining from interfering with the academic progress of others. 
- observing the regulations prohibiting the use of alcohol and drugs. 
- observing the Toronto District School Board policy of a smoke-free environment 
- not having personal communication equipment, including pagers and cellular phones, on school property 
- observing the regulation prohibiting the possession and/or use of a weapon, potential weapon or replica 

Earl Haig recognizes that the majority of students are self-disciplined and that corrective actions suggested by this code will apply only to a small minority of students and that motivation and self-control are essential for positive growth to occur. Students at Earl Haig will be held accountable and responsible for their own actions and decisions. 

To serve the interests of students, a variety of strategies are employed. Students who violate school rules are counselled by school personnel to ensure that the standards of behaviour expected by Earl Haig are clearly understood. Disciplinary actions, such as specific task assignments, an interview with a vice-principal, withdrawal of specific privileges, involvement of parents, suspension, removal or expulsion from school, will take into account the nature of the offence and the individual circumstances involved.

Dress Code​

The purpose of this Dress Code is to meet the requirements established by the Ministry of Education. The Earl Haig Secondary School Dress Code is in accordance with the expectations established by the Toronto District School Board Equity Foundation Policy, integrating the principles of fairness, equity and inclusion. 

The Earl Haig Secondary School Dress Code reflects the commitment of the school to provide a learning environment that is responsible, safe nurturing, positive and respectful. It also reflects the involvement of parents and guardians, through the school council, in a consultative process with student and staff representatives to develop a dress policy that is based on the principles of respect, safety and diversity. 

A Dress Code strikes a balance between expression and the expectation of society for appropriate attire in a shared workplace. In order to promote an orderly learning environment at Earl Haig, in accordance with Ministry and Board Regulations, the School Council has drafted the following guidelines for student dress. 

- Student dress should always project a positive image of the individual and should be appropriate to a school setting at all times. Students shall keep their bodies and hair clean. 

- Decorations, symbols, mottos, images, statements or designs imprinted or attached to the body or clothing which identify students as members of anti-social groups or gangs (including bandanas, do-rags, chains, other than those normally defined as jewellry, etc. 
or which depict racism, sexism, homophobia, profanity, violence or hatred 
or which demean an identifiable individual or group 
or which advertise, tobacco, alcohol and drugs 
shall not be worn to school or school function 

- Upon entering the school, students may be asked to remove, for security reasons, any hats, head coverings or apparel (i.e. hoods, jackets) that may conceal their face or identity. 

- Jewellery shall be worn in a way that does not present a safety or heath hazard or cause a major disruption to the educational process. Short straps for securing wallets are permitted. However, long chains, dog collars and writstbands with spikes are not permitted under the regulations of the Safe School Policy. Any jewellery such as wristbands with spikes are not permitted. However , heavy long chains, dog collars, and wristbands with spikes are not permitted under the regulations of the Safe Schools Policy. Any jewellery such as wristbands with sharpened spikes are classified as prohibited weapons and students wearing these are subject to suspension. 

- Students shall wear clothing of such a style and design as shall be consistent with community standards. Overly revealing and overly provocative clothing (i.e. displaying undergarments, transparent, back-less, skimpy, bikini tops, or kinds of clothing usually worn at beaches or for recreational activities) are not appropriate apparel for the regular school session. Clothing shall be worn appropriately. Students may wear shorts and skirts as long as they are of modest length. Underwear should be hidden. Blouses, shirts and sweaters are not to be low cut or so short as to expose the midriff. 

- Students shall wear shoes or sandals for foot protection and hygienic reasons while in the school environment or on school transportation. 

- Dress modifications will be applied to specific classes and/or subject disciplines as directed by the school staff (i.e. appropriate attire for Physical Education, Dance, Drama, Visual Arts, Technical Studies, etc.). 
In accordance with TDSB Equity policies, the Dress Code does not apply to religious, cultural or similar forms of attire. The Dress Code does not restrict, in any way, a student's right to dress in a manner that is prescribed by religious, cultural, ethnic or similar tenets and custom. 

The principal or designate shall determine the appropriateness of dress and appearance. The principal or designate will make decision if a student's appearance meets school and community standards. The principals's decision on appropriateness of dress is final. 
It is expected that, subject to the discretion of the principal to permit exemptions regarding compliance in appropriate circumstances, every student in the school will comply with the Dress Code. A student in violation of the Dress Code will be required to change into appropriate clothing before returning to class. Failure to comply to the request or persistent opposition to Dress Code regulations may result in school suspension.