2023/2024 Agenda Information

2023/2024 Agenda

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Mr. M. Darrell | Principal

Ms. S. Bhoolai | Vice Principal

350 Orton Park Road | Toronto, Ontario | M1G 3H4


Reporting Student Absence:

1-833-250-2290 :: press 3

Telephone: (416) 396-6310

Email: HenryHudson@tdsb.on.ca


Web: http://schools.tdsb.on.ca/HenryHudson











The staff and I extend a warm welcome to you at the beginning of a new academic journey.We are delighted that you have chosen Henry Hudson Sr. Public School.

The statements below illustrate what your school is meant to be like. We suggest you get involved in all the programs offered at Henry Hudson.Discover new knowledge, discover new friends and discover new aspects of yourself while on your journey.

Best wishes for a successful journey,


At Henry Hudson Sr. Public School,

...we inspire excellence and success

...we are a learning partnership of students, staff, parents and community

...we recognise and appreciate the diversity of our community

...we provide a safe and inclusive environment

...we work collaboratively, sharing ideas, experience and resources

...we make informed decisions in the best interests of the school community

Our Journey to Success

"We are on a journey to foster lifelong learning, physical & emotional

wellbeing and social responsibility"

The information at the front of this book will help you understand what is expected of students at Hudson. The daily pages will help you organize your personal and school time.Knowing what is expected of you and being organized are two of the keys to success.Use them wisely!


Safe Schools Information:



You should arrive at school just before 8:45 a.m. in order to be prepared for classes.You will be admitted by the WEST DOORS at 8:45 a.m. After depositing clothing in your lockers and selecting your books, you are to proceed directly to your first period class. Announcements will begin at 8:55 a.m., and all students are expected to be seated in their first period classroom.Students arriving after announcements begin are late.


Dismissal is at 2:55 p.m.Unless participating in supervised co-curricular activity, students must vacate the building by 3:05 p.m. All students must exit through the WEST DOORS only.Students are not allowed to return into the school after dismissal.


Prompt arrival is an expectation of all students at Henry Hudson.Students who arrive late must sign in at the office and receive an admit slip.Chronic lateness will be dealt with on an individual basis.



ABSENCE Please note: Regular Attendance at school is an expectation


Call 1-833-250-2290, wait for the prompt and then press 3.

Parents are asked to identify their relationship with the student, leave the student’s name, Core class and the reason for the absence.

Students are not allowed to leave the school during the day without permission.If you must leave the school during the day, you must come to the office and sign out.

If there is no report about an absence, we will make attempts to contact you to determine the reason for the absence through our Safe Arrival Program. Parents/guardians of students who have an unexplained absence (one where the school has not been previously notified) will be contacted to verify the reason for the absence. When you receive the call, you are required to listen to the entire message and follow the prompts accordingly.

Students who leave and return to school in the same day must return to the office and sign in before going to classes. Student leaving for lunch must have signed permission from their parent/guardian before lunch. The office is unable to accommodate lunchtime phone calls for permission to leave school except for emergencies and illness. Thank you for your co-operation with this expectation.



Whenever you become ill or injured you must report to the office.Advise your teacher that you are ill or injured and they will give you a hall pass to come to the office.The Office will contact your home in order for your parents to give us permission to assist you.




Cell Phones or PEDs are not permitted to be used during the school day. Students may power off and keep their Cell phones or PEDs in their locker during the school day (8:45 am – 3:05 pm) without issue. Cell Phones or PEDs found in the school will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day.

Cell phones/camera devices may be allowed during specific classes or on school field trips with teacher’s written permission (noted on the Trip permission form).


You will be expected to eat in the cafeteria and consume all food and drink in the cafeteria only.

Students then to go outside for the second half of your lunch period when weather permits.

You must not leave the school grounds.Only students who provide a signed form from their parents may leave school on a regular schedule.


Students must ask their teacher for permission to use the washrooms and obtain a “Hall Pass”. Students should leave all of their materials in the classroom when visiting the washroom.





You will be assigned a locker for the storage of books, jackets, valuables and gym uniform.


In order to protect your personal belongings you must

1) never tell anyone your combination number,

2) keep locker locked at all times when not in use, and

3) leave jewelry and valuables at home.

Lockers will be inspected from time to time in order to ensure cleanliness or, if there is reasonable suspicion about its proper use. It should be recognized that the use of a locker is a privilege, and it must be treated accordingly.


Students may not use their lockers between classes (i.e transition times).

If a student needs to obtain something from their locker they must ask their teacher for permission and obtain a “Hall Pass” from that teacher.


Back Packs are not recommended to be used during the school day.String bags designed to allow students to carry small personal belongings (i.e. pencil cases, hygiene products) are encouraged.



Personal items of value at school are strongly discouraged. The school cannot accept responsibility for personal items of value that are lost or stolen.



Physical Education is a required part of the student’s timetable and full participation is expected. For safety and hygienic reasons a complete change of clothing is required. The school’s gym uniform consists of a Hudson T-shirt and shorts (or track pants), which can be purchased from the school.It is expected the uniform will be washed regularly. Gym appropriate shoes are required.





You should seek help as necessary from your teachers. Extra help may be available before classes or after school.


Your student planner is used to help organize your work and must be brought to class daily. You should record daily assignments, dates of tests, and times of co-curricular activities in it. The Planner aids in the development of good work habits and helps you manage your workload. Core teachers will be instructing you on its use.


At the start of the school year, students receive free of charge; notebooks, basic writing tools and certain textbooks. Students are expected to bring these materials to class and use them to achieve success. Texts are to be returned to the school at the end of the school year or when you leave the school.


Students are responsible for keeping them in good condition. Note: If any school property: book, instrument, computer, science equipment is not returned or it has been damaged while in your care, you are responsible for paying for a replacement resource.


Plagiarism: What It Is and How to Recognize and Avoid It." 


When you intentionally, or unintentionally, use or pass off someone else’s words, ideas, or images as your own, you are plagiarizing. Unless you give proper credit, you are stealing and it is wrong.Plagiarism is a form of intellectual dishonesty that includes cutting and pasting from the Internet, buying or borrowing a project from someone else or copying a friend’s work (test, assignment, homework).


To avoid plagiarism:

  • understand what plagiarism is
  • give yourself enough time to complete the research project
  • make careful notes and summaries throughout the research process
  • respond to the notes with your own thoughts and ideas
  • accurately record quotations, paraphrased information, and page numbers
  • if in doubt, ask your teacher or cite the source just in case.

Students who plagiarize may face serious consequences.


The research on homework suggests that regular work at home on school-related activities increases student success.You are expected, as a senior school student, to develop consistent homework study habits.You will need these skills to achieve success in secondary school.


Homework fosters self-discipline, independent thinking, positive family interactions and reinforces the concept that learning takes place outside the school as well as in the classroom. Homework enables students to learn organizational and time management skills, helps to develop good study habits, and affords opportunities for independent work.

Teachers assign homework for one of three purposes. The most common type of homework is that designed to practice a skill already learned in class. Finishing work begun in class falls in this category as does the regular review of notes for tests or studying for dictation.

A second purpose for homework may be to help students prepare for lessons taught the next day. Reading a story or chapter in a text would be common examples of this type of homework. When used effectively, this type of homework allows more class time for discussion and extension of the new information. Homework may also be assigned to extend learning into new areas not possible at school. These assignments may encourage some creativity on the part of the students.



Frequency: *up to 60 minutes each night.

(Daily read a minimum of 30 minutes every night)

* five nights per week

Include: 1. Unfinished classroom assignments,

2. Recreational reading or writing,

3. Organizing notebooks,

4. Review notes regularly to grasp concept,

5. Study for tests and quizzes,

6. Project work,

7. Research information on a topic to be discussed in class the next day,

8. Teacher assigned work



Students should become responsible for:

  • requesting assistance from the teacher before leaving school if unclear about the assignment
  • making certain that all materials needed are taken home
  • completing the assignments and bringing the work back to school at the appropriate time
  • keeping track of due dates and informing parents about tests and long-term projects


Teachers are responsible for assigning homework that:

  • promotes the student's personal learning and enhances self-esteem
  • is meaningful and relevant (e.g. extends in-class work; relates specifically to the student's interest and/or talents; has specific purposes that are understood by the student)
  • ensures a measure of success
  • is clear with regards to instructions and due dates
  • is reasonable in amount of assigned work and time required to complete the work
  • is checked regularly for completeness and followed up in class
  • giving students information about their progress and achievements
  • communicating with parents if homework is not being completed, or class time is not being used wisely

Teachers are also responsible for:


Families should assume responsibility for assisting their child by:

  • providing a quiet place for homework completion
  • visiting the library regularly for books for recreational reading or research materials
  • talking with children about homework, talking about books being read
  • reading to younger children/beginning readers
  • communicating with teachers if children are having difficulty with homework assignments or if the amount seems excessive
  • providing experiences that will support the school experiences; cooking, building, visits to museum, Science Centre etc., playing games that encourage language development, numeracy development, logic, and problem solving


At Henry Hudson Senior Public School, we believe that regular completion of appropriately assigned homework increases student achievement and provides families with insight into their child's progress.



Discipline is learned and can be taught. Self-discipline is when an individual exerts control over their own behaviour and chooses behaviours that are appropriate for the occasion and based on respect for self and others. The staff at Henry Hudson Sr. P.S. helps students develop self-discipline and mature behaviour by providing a supportive environment and providing them with the tools to make appropriate behavioural choices. Students are also encouraged to be self-motivated, conscientious and responsible. These are characteristics that will serve them well throughout their lives.

To ensure effective programming and discipline for students we require mutual support and teamwork between the home and school. The development of our young people is a shared responsibility between home and school, and reflects our fundamental belief in the worth of persons irrespective of age, background, colour, creed, ability, gender, native language, race or sex. This Code of Conduct has been developed in this spirit and will enhance the positive climate in our school. This code was created by the staff, students and parents of Henry Hudson Senior Public School.


  • Any form of violence or harassment against another person.
  • Any act of disrespect or discourtesy directed towards another person.
  • Discrimination of any kind directed towards another person.
  • Any form of academic dishonesty, cheating or plagiarism.
  • Tampering with fire alarms or safety equipment.
  • Vandalism or destruction of school and/or personal property
  • Any form of unsafe behaviour towards self or others.
  • Theft, robbery, extortion.
  • Possession of weapons or objects resembling weapons.
  • Swearing or verbal abuse.
  • Smoking on school property.
  • Possession of drugs or alcohol.
  • Failure to co-operate with all members of the staff when requested to do so.



  • Attend school regularly and be on time for every class.
  • Bring all materials needed for each class.
  • Practice conscientious work habits and complete all assignments to the best of their ability.
  • Show respect to fellow classmates, teachers and other adults.
  • Participate fully in the learning opportunities provided to the best of their ability.
  • Keep parents informed of schoolwork and activities.
  • Inform an adult when feeling unsafe and/or threatened
  • Abide by the School’s Code of Conduct.


  • Show respect to fellow teachers, students and other adults.
  • Be prepared for all teaching and supervision assignments.
  • Work to maintain the safety of the school.
  • Work together in carrying out the schools Code of Conduct.


  • Co-operate with the school, in a partnership role, regarding the social and educational development of the children.
  • Provide the school with information required for welfare of the child.
  • Be prepared to communicate with the school when requested.
  • Provide your child a caring and nurturing environment at home.
  • Take an active interest in the child’s activities at school.
  • Show respect to teachers, students and other adults


The development of self-discipline and the acceptance of responsibility and understanding of the effects on one's behaviour are major factors in the development of each child. Assistance in this area is available through the classroom teachers, principal or other professionals in the TDSB and outside agencies.

School rules and routines are established to ensure safety, the protection of individuals rights and adherence to the laws. Failure to comply with these rules and routines, and actions which demonstrate inappropriate behaviour will result in steps being taken which are dependent on the nature, frequency and severity of the behaviour.

The process of consequencing inappropriate behaviour are progressive and may include:

  • discussion or interview with appropriate school personnel
  • parent/guardian involvement
  • restorative practices or community services
  • restitution for damages to property, to the Board or to an individual
  • behavioural contracts
  • counselling
  • removal of privileges
  • detention
  • temporary withdrawal from class or school
  • suspension from school
  • involvement of police
  • recommendation for expulsion by the Board
  • writing a Reflection Sheet
  • producing an essay or poster
  • apology

At each stage, an attempt is made to: assist students in recognizing the errors in their judgement, provide means of coping with similar problems in the future through self-discipline, and, make appropriate restitution. Hopefully the fulfillment of these expectations will produce a healthy, happy and productive school environment for our students.