Student Conduct




Introduction It is important to us that all students have a happy, successful experience at Highland. We have students from many countries, of various cultures, and speaking many languages. All are equally welcome at Highland.

Highland students are expected to have respect for themselves and for all who attend, work or visit here. Politeness, consideration for others, cooperation and good citizenship are the cornerstones of conduct here at Highland. All students are responsible for their own behaviour, regardless of the actions of others. We try to help our students with this responsibility by making problem-solving strategies an important part of our learning model. The home form teacher, the guidance counsellor, subject teachers and administrators all assist students and act as their advocates. Parents are an integral part of this process, and we encourage their participation.

Each student is expected to contribute to a positive learning environment in the school. Students help to create this environment by taking responsibility for their own learning, and by not interfering with other students’ right to learn. Students should attend class every day, arrive on time and be prepared with appropriate materials. The school is made up of focused students who take their learning seriously and respect the rights of others.

It is the responsibility of the school to provide a safe and secure environment for our students. The Highland Code of Behaviour makes this clear. Thoughtless or destructive actions will be addressed, whenever possible, as opportunities for positive learning. Students must be aware, however, that conduct in contravention to the Toronto District School Board and the Highland Code of Behaviour will result in appropriate consequences.