Information on School Advisory Councils
SAC Meetings
Please contact the school on information about the first AGM of the year and how to participate in the nomination and election process.
SAC invites all parents/guardians to attend our monthly meetings. This year, our meetings will be in person in the school library. For upcoming meetings, scroll down.
Role of SAC
An advisory group that makes recommendations to the principal or school board on any matter or activities relating to student achievement, curriculum goals and priorities, school budget priorities, school safety, renovation plans, after school activities and criteria for selection of new principals.
Responsibilities of SAC
SAC members are responsible for bylaws, focus on improved learning for all students, consult with the school community, represent and communicate views of the school community, record minutes of meetings and maintain financial records.
SAC Facts:
- SAC meets once a month during the school year. Meetings take place at 6:30pm in the school library (dates below). The Principal and Executive members report on previous and upcoming events.
- SAC is made up of 15 voting members, including the Executive. All parents of Islington JMS children are encouraged to attend the monthly meetings. Council members are also encouraged to bring friends to the meetings who are not familiar with council meetings in an effort to broaden our base of parent support.
- The School Council Nomination form is to be used by a parent/guardian of a child attending Islington JMS, to nominate themselves to one of the 15 positions of elected voting parent members.
- Islington JMS is in Ward 3 of the Toronto District School Board. Ward meetings are held regularly during the school year and are open to all interested parents.
Additional Resources:
School Advisory Council By-Laws
TDSB School Council Overview
TDSB Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC)
School Council Executive 2024/25
Treasurer: Nicole Tran
Secretary: Michelle Deschamps
Co-Chair: Moussa Tahlil
Co-Chair: Devon Pool
2024/25 SAC Meeting dates: Sept 30, Oct 21, Dec 9, Feb 3, Mar 3, April 7, May 5
Location: school library & Mabelle Arts