
Welcome to Maplewood's Guidance Department

Our aim is to help all Maplewood students, from before they arrive, during their time here, and as they move on. We make sure all students feel supported and valued throughout their time at our school. 

The Guidance department is open each day from 8:30am until the end of the school day. We encourage students to make an appointment to see us regarding any issue they would like to talk about. 

These are many issues we deal with regularly. Students come to see us when: 

  • They want information about their classes or programs of work
  • They want to plan for and change their classes
  • They have issues about friendships, both in and out of school
  • They need information concerning outside services i.e. Dental programs, Food banks
  • They are interested in summer school programs
  • They are making plans for their future after Maplewood i.e. careers, other schools, Community Living
  • They are curious about after school programs
  • Similarly we are always happy to speak to parents and guardians about any of these issues.

We work very closely with community partners. They are welcome in school to work with students on a regular or ‘one-off’ basis. We feel that it is important for us to be pro-active, and we are always looking to initiate new programs and ideas.

We also liaise between students, staff and outside professionals ensuring that appointments are made and kept. We run the workshops concerning ODSP (Ontario Disability Support Program). Many of our students are eligible to apply for employment and pension supports and work within the supportive framework of Community Living. The Guidance department is active in this area by inviting all parents / guardians into school to find out more about this program. 

Our role includes overseeing all the IEP’s (Individual Education Plan) for each student in the school. We also convene IPRC (Identification, Placement and Review Committee) meetings at the appropriate time. 

Guidance is a safe space in the building and all students are encouraged to come to speak to us about anything. We encourage students to make an appointment, at lunchtime or after school, with the Guidance secretary to see one of the teachers; however if the student needs to speak to one of us right away we also accommodate this.

Maplewood Guidance