English & Literacy

Literacy is about more than reading or writing – it is about how we communicate in society. It is about social practices and relationships, about knowledge, language and culture. Those who use literacy take it for granted – but those who cannot use it are excluded from much communication in today’s world. Indeed, it is the excluded who can best appreciate the notion of “literacy as freedom”. 

UNESCO, Statement for the United Nations Literacy Decade, 2003–2012

Language development is central to students’ intellectual, social, cultural, and emotional growth and must be seen as a key component of the curriculum. When students learn to use language, they do more than master the basic skills. They learn to value the power of language and to use it responsibly. They learn to express feelings and opinions and to support their opinions with sound arguments and evidence from research. They become aware of the many purposes for which language is used and the diverse forms it can take to serve particular purposes and audiences. They learn to use the formal language appropriate for debates and essays, the narrative language of stories and novels, the figurative language of poetry, the technical language of instructions and manuals. They develop an awareness of how language is used in different formal and informal situations. Students learn that language can be not only used as a tool but also appreciated and enjoyed. Language is the basis for thinking, communicating, learning, and viewing the world. Students need language skills in order to comprehend ideas and information, to interact socially, to inquire into areas of interest and study, and to express themselves clearly and demonstrate their learning. Learning to communicate with clarity and precision will help students to thrive in the world beyond school. Language is a fundamental element of identity and culture. As students read and reflect on a rich variety of literary, informational, and media texts, they develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others and of the world around them. If they see themselves and others in the texts they study, they will be more engaged in learning and they will also come to appreciate the nature and value of a diverse, multicultural society. They will develop the ability to understand and critically interpret a range of texts and to recognize that a text conveys one particular perspective among many. 

2023-2024 OSSLT Schedule

The schedule for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) will be available shortly. Grade 10 Semester 2 English students and eligible grade 12 students will be writing the OSSLT over two days during their English class. 

Students will be invited to join an OSSLT Google Classroom to access resources and information prior to their OSSLT. For practice tests and more information, click on the links below. 

The schedule for the Semester 2 OSSLT will be shared in the upcoming weeks. 

For any questions or concerns, please connect with your English teacher or Ms. Decoste. 


OSSLAT Practice Test

Head of Department and School-wide Literacy

Head of Department: Ms. Elisa DiPonio mia.hadziahmetovic@tdsb.on.ca

School-wide Literacy: Ms. Eryn Decoste eryn.decoste@tdsb.on.ca

Who are the English teachers?

Michael Crossland: michael.crossland@tdsb.on.ca

ENG2D1-04; ENG4U1-02; ENG4C1-02

Shazia Kamboh: shazia.kamboh@tdsb.on.ca

ENL1W1-06; ENL1W1-02

Eryn Decoste: eryn.decoste@tdsb.on.ca

NBE3U1-02; OLC4O1-01

Irina Lopes: irina.lopes@tdsb.on.ca


Elisa DiPonio: elisa.diponio@tdsb.on.ca


Sukhjit Rai: sukhjit.rai@tdsb.on.ca


Jagruti Gandhi: jagruti.gandhi@tdsb.on.ca

ENG4U1-03; ENG4U1-05

Brian Warford: brian.warford@tdsb.on.ca

ENL1W1-01; ENG2D1-05