NACI opened its doors in September 1962 for students in the Rexdale community. Over the years, NACI has grown exponentially and now offers a variety of opportunities for students through the many clubs and athletics available. Notably, NACI has made headlines in the news for the incredible achievements made by its students and teachers. Click through the individuals below to learn more about Notable NACI Alumi and teachers!
Azim Raheem
A NACI student from 2016-2020, Azim Raheem was recruited by Harvard after impressing them with his volleyball skills and academic successes. Despite cancelled games and tournaments due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Azim continued to work hard and accomplish his "dream" of going to Harvard.
Click on the article to learn more about Azim's journey from NACI to Harvard!

Busola Akinduro
A NACI student from 2015-2019, Busola Akinduro set records in Track and Field at OFSAA and National competitions. Busola was scouted by the University of California, Berkeley. At NACI, Busola was on the Basketball, Softball, Soccer, and Ultimate Frisbee teams as well.
Click on the image to the right for Busola's profile as a World Athlete.
Eryn Decoste
Ms. Eryn Decoste was one of the recipients of the BookLove grant. The BookLove Foundation awards teachers who are "committed to individual reading lives of every student". In 2020, Ms. Decoste applied for this grant and was awarded $5,000 in June 2021 to build her own classroom library.
Congratulations Ms. Decoste!!
Nikita Boodoo
Ms. Nikita Boodoo was one of the recipients of the 2022 OTIP Teaching Awards in the Beginning Teachers category. In the span of a few weeks, 20+ of her grade 10 students came together to nominate Ms. Boodoo for this teaching award in secret.
Since receiving this award, Ms. Boodoo has gone on to participate in webinars with OTF about teaching French in high school. She's also worked with group of teaching candidates at the University of Ottawa and with the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT) to discuss the importance of anti-racism pedagogy and practice in FSL classrooms.
Congratulations Ms. Boodoo!!