Mental Health and Wellness

Mental Health and Wellness is our top priority for our students and staff at North Albion Collegiate Institute.

Click on any of the buttons below to access mental health helplines and resources.

Well being Guide

Take a look at the TDSB Well-Being Guide !

In this guide, you'll find key supports and resources for youth as well as various summer programs and activities for students!

Mental Health Tips

The best way to support our mental health is to talk to someone about our feelings. 

reach out for help

The resources listed on the card above are FREE and offer a variety of methods to reach out with a trained mental health professional. All supports are confidential.

Be well at NACI


Welcome to Be Well At NACI 2020 - Virtual Edition! Navigate through the website by clicking the buttons below or continue to scroll through this page to learn more about wellness!


Check back regularly to access the weekly mental health tips of the day from our daily announcements. All links to resources will be made available here!

Be Well At NACI 2021 Conference, Talks, activities, and workshops to support your in living your best life!

Annually, NACI facilitates a school-wide mental health conference to support students in learning more about mental health and wellness. Check out this year’s virtual conference by clicking the image above!



Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present, and not by what’s going on around us.”


why sweat


“‘Feel-good’ chemicals in the brain, known as endorphins, are released by the brain during physical activity and help to improve mood.”


why sweat


“Social connection can lower anxiety and depression. By neglecting our need to connect, we put our health at risk.”


whenever you need to talk, we're open

* If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, call 911 immediately

Click the image to the right to access the Kids Help Phone website for chat options and additional resources.