Student Clubs and Activities

NACI, extra-curriculars are BACK! Please view the schedule for the various clubs and activities offered at NACI.

Extra-curricular Activities @ NACI

Take a look through the weekly schedule below to see the various clubs, activities, and athletic opportunities offered to NACI students.

*Please note: these extra-curricular activities may be subject to changes - please connect with the staff advisor for more information.

naci extracurricular activities

naci extracurricular activities

naci extracurricular activities 

NACI Multicultural Club

Come and join us! 

Meets every Thursday 11:45 - 12:30 in room 156

New members are always welcome!

why join the multicultural club

Extra help @NACI

Academic support is always available at NACI. Students are encouraged to connect with their subject teacher for one-on-one support during class. The schedule below provides additional support times for various NACI subject areas/departments.

extra help @ NACI