
At NACI, students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of sports teams, clubs, and activities. NACI strives for excellence in all athletic pursuits and consistently, NACI has the distinction of sending our student teams to city and provincial championships. NACI is home to a diverse variety of fall, winter and spring session sports coached by our dedicated, knowledgeable staff and community members.

NACI's Athletic Council is responsible for facilitating, organizing, and promoting athletic events at the school. This includes hosting staff vs. student games, intramurals, pep rallies, and many more. See the Phys. Ed. office for more information. 

Rexdale Volleyball Program

Are you interested in Volleyball ?

Do you enjoy playing the sport ?

Check out the poster for information about the Rexdale Volleyball Program. They meet the first and third Sunday of the month from 7:15-9:15 PM at the North Kipling Community Center.

The registration site can be found on the poster along with additional information.

For questions, please see Ms. Truong in the Phys. Ed. office in Gym A/B. 


Rexdale Volleyball - Poster




Track & Field - OFSAA 2021

Congratulations to Tolu A., Paige H., Natalyia K., Prabdeep B., and Anthony P. for their outstanding performance in their West Regional competitions. They all advanced to Metros held at Birchmount Stadium in May.  

Congratulations to Tolu A. who placed 1st in Sr Girls  long jump, triple jump, and 400m hurdles.  Congratulations to Tolu for also breaking the Toronto West 400m Hurdles record! Tolu advanced to the Ontario Finals (OFSAA) in all her events!  She won 2 silver and 1 bronze medals at OFSAA!!! 

Cricket Team - Cities 2021

Congratulations to NACI's Cricket team for placing first in the West Regional competitions! 

The Cricket team will be competing in the Cities Championships on June 13-14! Good luck!!

Badminton - OFSAA 2021

Congratulations to Anureet B. for placing 3rd in the Badminton Singles Regional Finals. 

Congratulations to Sahal A. who is the boys’ singles badminton champion for all of TDSB! He remained undefeated at regionals and placed first! This is a huge accomplishment.  Sahal will compete at OFSAA in Pain Court, Ontario the first week of May!

Cross Country 2021

Meet 1: Congratulations to the 27 NACI student-athletes who represented our school proudly at a Wildcat Invitational cross-country meet. A special shout-out goes to Adrian R. and Ofure E. who finished 1st and 3rd in the 2 kilometre grade 9 race and Aftab K. who won the 5 kilometre senior race. Go cougars ! 

Meet 2: 17 of our cross-country runners took part in a meet at Centennial Park. All runners did their best and represented our school proudly. A special shout-out goes to Ofure E. who finished 3rd in the 4km novice grade 9 boys race. Well done cross-country Cougars!