ESL & Modern Languages

What is the Modern Languages Department?

NACI's French department is a hub of dynamic learning that offers an immersive journey into the French language and its rich heritage. At NACI, French classes are more than simply vocabulary and grammar—it's an adventure through art, cuisine, history, and global connectivity. Our interactive classes take on a play-based approach to learning so students are able to foster fluency through engaging conversations, captivating literature, and exciting multimedia resources. Our courses provide students with the opportunity to learn an additional language as well as transferable skills that will support their success in other courses. We create hands-on and authentic learning experiences to help students gain confidence in communicating in French. 

At NACI, students in the French department have the opportunity to take learning outside the classroom. We have visited some of the French restaurants around Toronto to experience French culture and students can put their French into action! Senior students also visit French programs at various post-secondary institutions to learn more about French after NACI. This year, the grade 12 French classes will be venturing to Montreal, Quebec for 3 days to practice and apply the skills they’ve developed over the past four years as French students in an immersive and authentic setting. Students will participate in a variety of activities and tour the city.  

Who are the French teachers?

Silvio Altomare: 


Nikita Boodoo:

FSF2D1-02; FSF4U1-02

Karim Ennadouri:

FSF1D1-05; FSF2D1-01

Lead Teacher

Ms. Nikita Boodoo (