Grade 8 Open House

For information about courses offered at North Albion, please visit the Guidance tab.  If you would like to contact us, please email:


Principal (Acting) - Virginia Pang:  

Vice Principal- Louise Tedoldi:  

Vice Principal- Christina Papaiconomou: 


Head of Guidance & Senior Transitions: Nosheen Mian: 

ACL of Junior Transitions & Community Partnerships: Jagruti Gandhi:  

Check out the video below to hear from your NACI peers

 They answer some of the frequent questions students have about NACI and high school!


At NACI, we prioritize taking care of our mental well-being. Our school has a strong partnership with Humber Colleges’ Nursing program. Their team of student-nurses facilitate regularly scheduled wellness moments in all of our classrooms. These are moments that allow for a curriculum pause so students can focus on mindfulness.

NACI hosts an annual Mental Health and Wellness conference called Be Well @ NACI. This year, our conference took place virtually. In collaboration with Humber College, staff and students participate in a variety of mental health and well-being workshops.

Check out our Be Well @ NACI conference website to get a sense of what the event is like!