
English and Literacy

Sample English Texts

The Richview English department enjoys a constantly changing program which reflects the richness of the new curriculum.  New initiatives implemented yearly, focus on encouraging students to improve their literacy skills and the design of challenging, enriching and innovative activities that address the diverse interest and needs of students.  Students enjoy the graphic novel, more relevant and enriching media studies, as well as student-centered differentiated instruction and evaluation in their English classes. The department remains passionately committed to student development and a learning experience which emphasizes the relevance of class material to the world beyond the classroom. 


All our grade 10 students have also been preparing for the EQAO test with a practice book which each students received at the beginning of the year.  When time permits, students practice with their English teachers, but students are encouraged to practice with the workbook on their own or to visit www.eqao.com for additional sample questions.  The week before the EQAO test, students will also receive additional practice of all questions in all their classes in a “rush week” style application.

In preparation for the EQAO test in March, the literacy department has implemented a Lunch and Learn program.  Every Wednesdsay at lunch students (who have been identified as at-risk by their teachers, or who have been unsuccessful at a first EQAO attempt) gather with a group of teacher volunteers to practice EQAO style questions.  Each Wednesday the group tackles one of the reading and writing skills from the test in the hopes that these focused tutorials will help our students be successful.

English Curriculum Outlines 
Media Curriculum Outlines

English Department Staff

Curriculum Leader
Ms. L. Pereira
416-394-7980 ext.20090
website: www.pereezypages.com

DiMarco, Ms. M

Tatiana Goutovets


Andrea Ibsen

Johnstone, Mr. S.
Media Studies 

Song Ie Kim

Lisa McCalla

Zdebiak, Ms. C

Brandon, Ms. A.- On Leave
website: www.classwithbrandon.com

Fitzgerald, Ms. E.- On Leave
website: www.msfitzclasses.weebly.com