William & Elizabeth Ann Anderson Award
Awarded each year to a male and female student of the graduating class of Queen Alexandra School whose scholastic achievement, leadership qualities and sense of responsibility to school and community are outstanding.
Tamaki Award
Overall top male and female student for academic achievement, volunteerism and community involvement.
Thomas Foster Award
Awarded to a student who has demonstrated the highest qualities of citizenship and service to others during the school year.
Robert MCaulay Trophy
Awarded to students who have the greatest improvement(s) in studies during the school year.
Subject Awards
Every year students are chosen by staff for outstanding achievement in various subjects areas (e.g., Science, Music, Core French).
Clara Hughes Trophy (formally the George Hees Trophy)
Awarded to the female athlete who has demonstrated top athletic ability and qualities of true sportsmanship.
AB Box Trophy
Awarded to the male athlete who has demonstrated top athletic ability and qualities of a true sportsmanship
Fran Endicott Award
Awarded to two students who have contributed to the understanding and promoting of issues related to race and equity at Queen Alexandra M.S. during their time here.
Nigel Williams Award
Awarded to a student who has exhibited personal strength and courage
in overcoming physical and/or emotional difficulties.
Michelle Fredrick Memorial Music Award
Presented annually to the student who demonstrates the greatest commitment and participation to Vocal Music Activities at Queen Alexandra Middle School.
A student is selected to address their fellow graduation classmates.
Queenadian Award
Awarded to students with an excellent record of conduct, co-operation and diligence in each homeroom.
Nanda-Gikendan Award
Awarded to a graduating student from the Indigenous Language and Culture program who self-identifies as Indigenous and has shown a commitment to nanda-gikendan (to seek to know, to learn).
Queen Alexandra Honour Roll
Awarded to graduation students with an average of 80% or greater.
Principal's Award for Student Leadership
Awarded by the Principal. The criteria is at the discretion of the Administration.
Queen Alexandra Subject Awards
Awarded to the student with the highest scholastic achievement in a range of subjects (e.g., ESL, Art, Science, Music, core French).
Ed Krane Award
This award is for a student who has had a great overall contribution to the Queen Alexandra M.S. community.
Toronto-Danforth Community Builder Award
Awarded by the School Trustee. The student has demonstrated extraordinary service in contributing to a sense of community in their school, neighbourhood or city. The student is a person who engages others through action, on the ideals of environmental protection, equity and diversity, or social justice. The student has served as a role model for fellow students. S/he has made a significant contribution through participation in school or community service (i.e. participation in groups like student council, eco clubs, cultural clubs, etc., or similar associations outside of the school). The student demonstrates an enduring interest in and ability to build or enhance a sense of belonging and community, and in enriching the lives of fellow students, and/or the neighbourhood(s) in which they live.
Civic Engagement Award
Awarded by the Member of Parliament for Toronto-Danforth. A student who is a leader in civic engagement. The student is involved in the community and is committed to making a difference (e.g., organized food/clothing or book drives, advocated on social justice issues, student who took time to reach out and support members of the community). This student has demonstrated extraordinary service in contributing to a sense of community in their school and beyond.
Park Yau and Bik Yuk Award
To recognize the overall accomplishments of one student who must possess the following: English as a Secondary Language (ESL), Marks of B+ or greater, Leadership qualities and Community service.