

Welcome to the student section of our site. In this section you'll find a message board where you can have a say on a variety of issues, links to some useful web sites you might want to check out, great information for students moving on high school, and much, much more. Check it out.


Students can participate in a number of activities such as: sports teams, choir, Yearbook Club, ECO Club,  and many other clubs. Students can engage in leadership through groups such as Student Council. In conjunction with our school-based programming, we also offer a host of programs in collaboration with local community agencies. 

We are learning to meet the academic challenges of the 21st century by thinking critically, acting collaboratively and contributing in a socially responsible and innovative way to the global community. We value inquiry based learning, and evaluate using success criteria based on citizenship, critical thinking, communication, character, creativity and collaboration.


inquiry newletters


As a school community, our focus on a wide variety of equity and social justice issues is embedded within the curriculum and our co-curricular activities. Our goal is to foster a learning environment that celebrates diversity and enables all students to see themselves reflected within the curriculum. We offer a rich range of experiences and opportunities to students.


At Queen "A", our programs have reached out to engage our students in the many topics that surround social justice issues. The Young Women's Equity and Empowerment Group have fostered discussion about global and local issues and the power of your future. Our award winning GSA as well as assemblies and workshops addressing anti-homophobia, racism, discrimination, harassment, building healthy relationships, and bullying all support our school Code of Conduct and mission statement. We continue to strive to create an inclusive and dynamic learning environment that engages all students. 

There is also a strong focus on math, Science, STEM and robotics at Queen A. We have a dedicated Science room with a Specialist teacher and we've recently invested in upgrading our technology including a number of robotics kits.