Admissions & Applications

Applying to Spectrum

The Spectrum Alternative Open House took place on Thursday, Jan. 18th. 

Thank you to all families for attending the Open House for Spectrum Alt. Sr. School. For those families who could not make it, here is the link to the slide show for our Open House.

Thank you to all who applied to Spectrum Alternative Sr. school for 2024-25 School Year.

HEARTY WELCOME TO OUR NEW GR.7'S  starting in September 2024

**The Orientation afternoon for our new students only, is scheduled on June 20th.

You can apply to Spectrum and learn about the new TDSB Alternative School application process by visiting

Consider your options...

Making the transition from junior school to a middle or senior school can be stressful and confusing.  At Spectrum, we understand that choosing a school that is the "best fit" for a child is extremely important.  Our open house and application process are designed to make applicants think about whether or not our small, urban, arts-focused, project-based school is a good match for them.

When considering options, think of these questions:

Are you …

  • an independent, creative problem solver?
  • someone who accepts and embraces the differences that make us unique?
  • curious and excited about learning?
  • punctual and attentive?
  • interested in expression through the arts?
  • a student who takes responsibility for your own learning?
  • love to work equitably in a team approach?
  • a person who gives as much or more than you take?

If you answered YES to all of these, perhaps Spectrum might be a good fit.

The Selection Process

  • The selection process will be determined by a lottery.
  • All applicants apply to Spectrum Alternative through a new centralized process.

If you have any questions or concerns about this process please contact 

OR Jyothi @ for any questions regarding School.

Thank you for your interest in our school, and should you consider applying for a place in the school, we wish you all the very best in the application process.

Listen to our students. Learn about Spectrum. Watch the video.