At Wellesworth, we believe that healthy eating supports learning. Our volunteers provide a healthy morning snack ... just as our students are getting hungry! Three of the following items are served for each morning
between 9:00a.m. and 10:10a.m. 10:00a.m.
There may occasionally be substitutions.
Our snack program continues to thrive with a continued emphasis on healthy and delicious foods. We are strictly following the recommendations of Toronto Public Health and currently are limited to two volunteers. We offer a huge thanks to our Nutrition Coordinators Angela Hill, Christine Clute and Helen Ghebrehiwet. They do amazing work!
Oranges, apples and bananas, strawberries and other seasonal fruit
DairyFoods such as yogurt tubes, milk and cheese strings
Rice cakes, whole grain cookies, nutrigrain bars, bread sticks, muffins, graham crackers