Due to the limited budget available to schools, there is a real need to supplement funding available from the Toronto District School Board (TDSB). The FSA at Armour Heights raises money through a variety of events, namely our annual Silent Auction/Dinner & Dance for the parents. We also run a direct donation program which eliminates the need for door-to-door selling by our students. We have a very motivated and committed Fundraising team this year and are able to generate funds through pizza lunches, Subway lunches, Acorn Cards, cookie dough sales and events at the school. We are refocusing our efforts into initiatives that provide something for your monetary support.
Currently the FSA operates with a budget of just over $47,000. More than 70% of all funds raised by the FSA go directly into curriculum-related initiatives to enrich the experience for our students. The remaining 30% is directed towards special events and services for our students, as well as large capital expenditure projects such as school yard improvements and the addition of new technology in the classroom.
Curriculum Enrichment
- Performing Arts
- Visual Arts (materials & supplies for all teachers)
- Learning through the Arts
- Library (books and magazine subscriptions)
- Computer hardware & software (printers, repairs, replacements)
- Music / Drama (musical production, live performances)
- Physical Education (equipment, team uniforms)
- Eco Club (bulb planting, equipment)
- Science & Math (funding the "Scientists in the School" program for JK - 8)
- Direct Classroom Investment
Special Events & Other
- Bike Rodeo
- Hygiene supplies for each classroom
- Welcome Back BBQ for students, staff and families
- Lice checks (PDF fact sheet from the TDSB)
- Grade 8 graduation and trip subsidy
- Communications (website maintenance and Family Directory)
- Walk to School
How We Plan To Raise Money
The FSA at Armour Heights has three major fund raisers throughout the year:
Direct Family Donations: Close to 30% of all funds raised each year are derived from the direct family donation program each Fall. This is a newer form of fundraising that replaces former programs such as selling gift wrap, chocolate bars, etc.
Silent Auction/Dinner & Dance: While this is a fund raiser for the school, it is also a time for parents to come together and have a fun evening together. There is a live auction and silent auction.