
Welcome to all things Grade 8 Guidance!

For all information regarding the Transition from on Grade 8-9, please visit the following Going to High School Link on the TDSB Website.


Workshops / Information Sessions

  • Family Information Session for the Transition from Grade 8-9 on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 from 6:30-8:00pm at Birch Cliff PS


Secondary School Open Houses

  • Why attend Secondary School Open Houses?

To help you make an informed decision when choosing a school, TDSB schools will host in-person open houses and information sessions for parents/guardians and students between November and January. This gives families an opportunity to learn everything you need to know about our incredible variety of schools, programs and courses.

Key dates for Secondary School Open Houses can be accessed HERE


Secondary Central Student Interest Programs

  • What are Secondary Central Student Interest Programs?

TDSB students have access to programs that offer unique opportunities and focus on a variety of interests.
The TDSB offers Central Student Interest Programs that are focused on the Arts, Math, Science & Technology, Leadership and more! All students with an interest in the program focus are invited to apply!
The application opens on Monday, November 4, 2024 and closes on Friday, November 22, 2024 at 4pm sharp.

For more information please click HERE .



  • What is myBlueprint?

myBlueprint is a comprehensive education and career planning process that meets the learning needs, interests, and aspirations of all students. It is used in TDSB for students to create and maintain an Individual Pathways Plan (IPP) during Grades 7 to 12. The IPP becomes the planning tool for course selection, goal setting and postsecondary destination planning.

Out of Area Admission

  • What is Out of Area Admissions?

Each TDSB student is designated a secondary school to attend based on home address. In some cases, provided the school is permitted to receive applications, you may decide to apply to attend a school other than your designated school by address. This is called Out-Of-Area Admission.

The application opens on Monday, January 6, 2025 and closes on Friday, January 24, 2025 at 4pm sharp.

For more information please click HERE

Secondary Schools Without a Boundary (SSWAB)

  • What are Secondary Schools Without a Boundary?

In the former Toronto Board of Education, specific schools were established to provide technical and commercial programming. Currently, these former Technical and Commercial schools provide a full complement of courses and programs to support students on their journeys to University, College, Apprenticeship or the workplace.

Starting in September 2025, these schools will be available to all TDSB students via the Out-Of-Area Admissions application.

For more information please click HERE


Course Selection



If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Michelle Lipp, Vice-Principal and Guidance Liasion at 416-396-6060 or by email at