Contact Information
It is very important that the school office has a current phone number so that we can communicate with you effectively and efficiently. In an emergency, we need to be able to contact a parent or guardian immediately. Please advise the school when there is a change of address, telephone number (home, cell, or business) or emergency contact person.
Students arriving late must report to the school office before going to their classroom. When a student is late to school, their entry time will be noted in their agenda by the office administrator. Please ensure that your child is on time for school. If you are aware that your child will be late, please communicate this to the school office.
Arrival and Dismissal
When picking up students on a daily basis, please be kind enough to wait outside of the exit doors. Parents are not to wait at the teacher’s classroom door at dismissal time. We would also request that parents who walk their children to school drop them off at the class line and meet them outside the exit doors.
Please walk around the back of the school instead of coming through the front doors of the school. The purpose of the front doors is to allow parents, visitors and guests to report to the office. Students should not enter or exit the school through the front doors or the kindergarten doors. Should a student arrive at school after entry time they must enter using the front doors and report to the office.
Students must not arrive at school until supervision begins and there are teachers on duty.
Drop off/Parking Lot
The parking lot is for staff, volunteers, and visitors only. Too many vehicles driving in and out pose a serious safety concern for our children walking to and from school. Parents who transport children by car are asked to use the designated drop off zone.
The small parking lot located adjacent to the front doors of the school is not to be used for student drop off – it is strictly for staff/TDSB employee use.
Students who require medication to be administered at school must have a completed Medication Consent Form signed by their family doctor on file in the office. Students may not carry medication including non-prescription medication such as aspirin. All medication must be stored in the main office.
Office Staff
Office Administrator: Catherine Millan
Clerical: Christine Roberts