School Advisory Council (SAC)

School Advisory Council (SAC)

School councils are an excellent way for you to get involved in your child’s education. Every TDSB school has an elected school council. Your school council is an important forum for involving parents/family and community in matters that affect the education of students.

Parents are children's first and life-long teachers. We value the partnership between home and school and know that parental involvement is the key to success in school. You can be involved by helping your child with homework, volunteering in our school, or joining our school council. By welcoming you and providing opportunities for you to be involved, we can work together to ensure that our students receive the very best education.

Council Reps for 2023-2024

Chair: Richelle Wheeler                                       Community Rep: Amy Corcoran

Co-Chair & Safety Rep: Glenn Kremp                 Parent Rep: Robynne McKinlay

Secretary: Pamela Van                                        French Immersion Rep: Shannon Howanyk

Treasurer: Chris Borycheski                                Communications Rep: Kim Martin


Our meetings for the 2024 - 2025 school year will be:

September 18th

October 16th

November 20th

January 15th

February 19th

March 19th

April 16th

May 21st

June 18th 

**All meetings will begin at 6:30pm  


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