Safe Arrival Info

Safe Arrival Information

It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to notify the school if your child is going to be absent. Notifying our Office Staff can be done in one of the following ways:

1. Safe Arrival Phone: 1-833-250-2290 
Our Safe Arrival Phone is available 24 hrs and can be called at any time. Parents/Guardians are asked to follow the prompts and leave a message with information if your child will be absent for a full day.

2. School Messenger App -  Click here to download the APP
Families also have the option to use the School Messenger app for a faster and easier way to report absences and receive communication sent by the TDSB and your school.

3. Emailing our Office Staff
An email message can be sent to or, giving the information regarding your child's absence, in particular if reporting a half day absence or a lateness. 

4. By Phone - 426-396-6060
Calling the school is also an option, in particular if reporting a half day absence or a lateness.