Personal Electronic Devices are valuable communication tools. Students should know that PED's are a privilege that come with responsibilities for the owner.
Students, parents & guardians are reminded of the following:
- PED's are the responsibility of the student. The school is not responsible for loss or theft.
- Teachers determine the classroom expectations for their students. PED's are to be turned off and in bags or knapsacks during class time unless the teacher has asked students to use their PED as part of the lesson.
- Personal use of PED's / cellphones during class time interrupts the teaching and learning process. Students are asked to respect the working environment of the classroom.
- Students can expect that their PED will be confiscated in the event of inappropriate use during class time. PED's will be turned over to the office. Students will be required to meet with a Vice-Principal after school before the PEd is returned.
- Students are reminded that responsible use of a PED does not compromise the safety of another person. Photographing, taping, texting, posting or emailing in a manner that threatens, intimidates, harasses or bullies another person is not acceptable.