Specialist High Skills Major offers students an opportunity to complete the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) while focusing on a specific economic sector and supporting transitions to college, apprenticeship, university and the workplace.
What are the components of an SHSM?
Every SHSM includes the following five components, which are outlined in detail in ministry-approved frameworks developed for each area of specialization:
- Bundle of credits
- A defined bundle of credits consisting of eight to ten Grade 11 and Grade 12 credits, including cooperative education credits
- Certification and training experiences
- Sector-recognized certifications and/or training courses
- Experiential learning and career exploration activities
- Experiential learning and career exploration activities within the sector
- Reach ahead experiences
- Learning experiences connected with the student's postsecondary plans
- Sector-partnered experiences
- Experiences in which students engage with a sector partner to explore sector-related content, skills, and knowledge involving either ICE (innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship), coding, or mathematical literacy.

Pursuing a SHSM helps students to:
- Customize their secondary school education to suit their interests and talents.
- Develop specialized knowledge and skills.
- Gain sector-recognized certification and career-relevant training.
- Identify, explore and refine career goals and make informed decisions about their future.
Birchmount Park has 2 SHSM programs
Manufacturing Sector Health and Wellness Sector