
Special Education Banner

Birchmount Park added a Gifted program in the 2016-2017 school year, as part of the TDSB expansion of the number of schools across the city offering this program pathway.

Students will be offered placements through the IPRC process. Gifted program placements are linked to home address and school program boundaries. Please review the Map of Gifted Boundaries for more information. 

Special Education Gifted Programming Provides:

  • enhanced breadth and depth of curriculum delivery at each grade level
  • programming to meet the individual learning needs of students as outlined in the IEP

Program Features:  

  • Depth and breadth of curriculum delivery to meet the learning needs of students.
  • Focus on the development of critical thinking skills.
  • The development of inquiry and research skills
  • Interdisciplinary learning that assists students in making connections between different subject areas
  • Enriched learning opportunitIes - field trips and guest speakers 
  • Active, participatory learning environments with a varied pace of curriculum delivery
  • Social Justice and Global Educations themes across the curriculum
  • Challenging learning tasks that engage students and assist them in the development of the requisite knowledge and skills for success now and in the future
  • Use of current computer technology and media
  • Student interests and student voice 
  • Embracing intellectual curiosity in pursuit of multiple solutions to problems
  • Student leadership in the classroom as well as the in the whole school community
  • SIXERS - multigrade social group

BPCI Gifted Program Pathway

  • Grade 9    CGC1D6; ENG1D6; MPM1D6; SNC1D6
  • Grade 10  CHC2D6; ENG2D6; MPM2D6; SNC2D6
  • Grade 11  ENG3U6; MCRU6
  • Grade 12  ENG4U6; MHF4U6

General Learning Strategies (GLE) is offered at each grade level to support students individual learning needs as outlined in their IEP. 

Students in the Special Education (Gifted) Program will select all other compulsory and elective courses from the regular program course selection options.