Winston Churchill CI


We have exciting Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) news!

The Ontario Ministry of Education has confirmed that our Health and Wellness Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program has been approved!

WCCI is now offering two SHSM programs:

  • Transportation 
  • Health & Wellness  

For more information and course requirements please check the SHSM Google Sites

Application to join Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) programs


WCCI Open House638405874641116155

See our 2023 Open House Presentation above.

Leonard Braithwaite Program


LBP - Africentric Program Application

Please click on the link below to access the application;

Leonard Braithwaite Application 2024-2025

LBP Flyer 2024


Guidance - Scan QR to book an Appoinment


Guidance appointments can be booked using the following link:

Please also continue to check our website for updated information.


Password Reset

Student Guide



Churchill Showcase


Students applied their knowledge of Analytical Geometry and created beautifully complex geometrical artworks. The students were very excited to showcase their expertise in both Math and Visual Arts through a wonderful display. Many put in countless hours just to impress their peers, and this healthy competition created a collaborative learning environment that continued even outside of school. Great job to all of you!



