Mental Health & Wellness Resources

Guidance Appointment:


Guidance Department

Welcome to the Winston Churchill Guidance Department.  We are here to support students with their academic development, to teach student self-advocacy skills, to support students’ social and emotional development and to assist students with career development by working collaboratively with students, teachers, parents and the community.

Guidance Counselors assist students with course selection, timetable issues, skill development (e.g. note taking, study skills, time management), post-secondary planning, financial planning (e.g. scholarships and OSAP), career exploration, social/emotional support and settlement support. 

Guidance Counselors also help students and parents access the support of our Social Worker, Child & Youth Worker, Child & Youth Counsellor and Settlement Worker.  If you would like more information about these services, please meet with your guidance counsellor.

The Guidance department announcements will be posted in our Google Classroom. To get more information on community service hours, scholarships, job opportunities, summer and night school, and how to apply to college and university, please sign up for the following Google Classrooms:

Guidance Grades 9 - 11: Join with 5qxbpd2

Guidance Grade 12: Join with nxzo6qm

Name J. Meade
Position ACL - Guidance 
Guidance Counsellor
Responsible  For Grade 9-12 Students with Surnames A - LA
Availability Monday - Friday 9-12:40 & 1:45-3:30

Phone  Number



ext. x20043


Name                 C. Slomka
Position ACL - Student Success
Responsible  For Grade 9-12 Students with Surnames  M - Z
Availability Monday - Friday 9:00 -12:40 & 1:45 - 3:30

Phone  Number



ext. 20042

Mental Health & Wellness Resources


    • Our hope for our school community is to be healthy socially, emotionally and physically.
    • We want to help raise awareness about noticing when a friend needs support and where you can go for help.
    • We want you to know that you are not alone, and that the Guidance Counsellors, Child and Youth Counsellor, Child and Youth Worker and Social Workers are here to help.
    • Once a month the Mental Health & Wellness Committee organizes Wellness Wednesday activities to help you de-stress and connect with people in our school.  Please listen to the announcements or speak to Ms. Meade for details about how to get involved in the committee.


Wellness Wednesday


  • Wellness activities happen on the first Wednesday of the month in October, November, December, March, April, and May. 
  • Each month we focus on one of the following topics:  Mindfulness, Healthy Relationships, Healthy Eating, Coping with Stress, and Physical Health.

TDSB Guidance Website

This is a great site to visit. The TDSB has  put together some great information with  regard to Guidance & Career Education

211 Toronto Website

This site is your connection to information  about community, social, health and  related government services