Cummer Valley Middle School

Join Us for Our Lunar New Year Potluck Celebration! 🎉

Dear Cummer Valley Families,

Join us on Wednesday, February 5, from 4:30–7:00 PM for a Lunar New Year Potluck Party! Enjoy an evening filled with exciting performances, hands-on activities, and community fun, including: Lion Dance & Martial Arts, Chinese Dance Performance, Craft Workshops, Robotics Challenge, Teacher & Student Painting Fundraiser – Supporting the Grade 8 Graduation Trip (Bring cash!) Don't forget to sign up using the QR code on the poster below. We look forward to celebrating with you!

Lunar New Year Celebration Committee


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8 to 9 Transitions: Webinars and Resources

Dear Parents/Guardians/Caregivers and Students in Grades 7 and 8, 

A smooth transition from Grade 8 to Grade 9 contributes to a strong foundation for success in secondary school and beyond. Grade 8 is a time for students to look to the future and begin thinking about their selection of courses for Grade 9 and throughout high school. The information and links below will assist Grade 8 students and families in planning:

Please note: There is a ‘Translate’ button at the top of the TDSB website that will translate the contents of the web pages to your preferred language.

Preparing for High School Webinars
The TDSB will host two Preparing for High School Information Sessions, including:

  1. Grade 8 to Grade 9 TransitionsOctober 29, 2024 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
    Registration Link:

This session will focus on the Top 10 Tips and Considerations in the Transition to High School. This presentation is designed to augment the work already taking place through secondary open houses and at the Grade 8 schools. For more information, visit the TDSB Beyond 8 website.

  1. Student Interest ProgramsOctober 30, 2024 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
    Registration Link:
    The TDSB offers over 50 programs with a particular focus. These programs are for anyone who demonstrates an interest and passion in the particular program area. The Student Interest Program Webinar will provide more information about Secondary Schools without a Boundary, local programs, Out-of-Area Admissions and applying to Central Student Interest Programs (CSIP), including:
    • Arts Focus Programs/Schools  
    • Exceptional Athlete Program
    • Integrated Technology School 
    • International Baccalaureate Programs 
    • Leadership Pathway Program 
    • Math, Science & Technology Programs 

Application for CSIP programs opens on November 4 and closes on November 22, 2024 at 4 p.m. 

Requests for interpretation services can be made in the registration form and must be made no later than Friday, October 25, 2024. The recordings of these events will be available on the TDSB Guidance site.

To further support students and families with the application process, TDSB staff will host two Central Student Interest Program Application Support Sessions to answer questions that students or families may have about the application. Live, online support will be available on the following dates:

o  November 12 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. (Click here to join)

o  November 18 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. (Click here to join)         

Staff will not be able to answer specific program and/or school-based questions.  

For more information about the programs available at schools across the TDSB, attend the schools’ Open Houses and Information Sessions. To learn more about the central student interest programs, visit the Central Student Interest Programs website.

Students with Special Education Needs

Students with an exceptionality for whom a change in setting or program is being considered for grade 9 will be discussed at the Annual IPRC Review. Students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and no formal identification, will be discussed at the School Support Team (SST) meeting. Please note this meeting will occur with the parent(s)/guardian(s)/caregiver(s). 

Grade 8 to 9 Transition Timeline

Please use the Grade 8 Transition Year - At a Glance to help navigate the Grade 8 to 9 Transition process this year.

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TDSB Elementary Central Student Interest Programs

Applications for elementary Central Student Interest Programs open soon. At the elementary level, we offer arts-focused programs at four different schools in the TDSB. Application for these school programs open on November 4, 2024 and closes on November 22 at 4 p.m. 

Learn more about each of these programs on the elementary central student interest programs website. You can also review program and application requirements, get dates for upcoming open houses and webinars and all application timelines. 

October 30, 2024 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. - Student Interest Program Webinar
Registration link:

Parents/Guardians/Caregivers are asked to register for the event prior to the Webinar. Requests for interpretation services can be made in the registration form by Friday, October 25, 2024.

To further support students and families with the application process, TDSB staff will be hosting two (2) Central Student Interest Program Application Support Sessions to answer questions that students or families may have about the application. Live, online support will be available on the following dates:

o  November 12 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. (Click here to join)

o  November 18 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. (Click here to join)

Staff will not be able to answer specific program and/or school-based questions. Families are encouraged to attend Open Houses for school- and program-specific information.  

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To register, use this link.

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Dear Parents, Guardians and Caregivers,

As we embark on October and the fall season, we are thankful for a smooth start to the school year and the amazing staff that have created all the opportunities for our students. Please take note of the following 2 dates. You are invited to an introduction to the school and meet our teachers on October 10, 2024. You will learn about the programs and extra-curricular and co-curricular activities at the school.

Cummer Valley Curriculum Night 2024

Thursday, October 10, 2024

6:00-8:00pm - Cafeteria

*You are also invited to our first School Council Meeting on October 16, 2024.

School Council Meeting - October 16, 2024 @ 6:00-7:30pm – Please complete the form if you are interested in helping out on council this year or would like to serve in a formal capacity in the School Council

We hope to see you all!
Esther Leung Tou, Principal and Kin Irving, Vice-Principal

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