Welcome to Cummer Valley Middle School ~ Home of the Champions!
Cummer Valley Middle School opened in 1985 and was named in honour of Jacob Cummer and his family, who were among the first settlers in this area. The school was built in 1960 and was called Northmount Junior High School until 1985.
The school currently has about 600 students in Grades 6, 7, and 8. The school services three elementary schools and provides a transition program that supports the unique needs of students during their early adolescent years. Cummer Valley has a diverse student population. About 20 languages and 30 countries are represented. Many in our student population have origins in the Pacific Rim. The most prevalent languages, other than English, are Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean and Farsi. This diversity helps our students to learn to interact positively and collaboratively with each other, preparing them for an increasingly pluralistic society.
Cummer Valley houses Special Education classes for each grade level. We also offer a core English as a Second Language program at each grade level.
In order to achieve academic success, students at Cummer Valley are expected to:
- attend and be punctual
- be prepared for and participate in the learning process
- respect the rights of others
All students at Cummer Valley use a Student Planner as an organizational tool and as an effective method of communication between home and school.
Our students are encouraged to follow the Future Aces Creed, which emphasizes academic achievement, co-operation, excellence and service to others. Students are recognized for endeavouring to achieve these goals. The highest honour upon completion of each grade is the Future Ace Award. We regularly recognize student success in sports, the arts and academic areas.
We are committed to providing a safe and nurturing learning environment to ensure success for all of our students. The partnerships among staff, students, parents and the community are all important components of this learning environment.
Our staff members are partners in assisting our students to develop into responsible, caring, productive adults. It is vital that we work cooperatively to that end. Please feel free to contact any of our staff members at (416) 395-2260 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Esther Leung Tou