

Don Mills Collegiate Institute’s Mathematics Department provides a wonderful, engaging, and safe learning environment for students. Our teachers continuously develop teaching strategies and technologies to engage all types of learners. The mathematics department aims to teach every student the beauty of the applications and theories of mathematics. It also aims to be inclusive and equitable to every student, adapting different cultural perspective and strategies to mathematics.

In our math department, it is more important to discover the rationale behind our students’ thinking, rather than our students’ answers. Learning is a continuous process, and we strive to teach every student that passion.

Contact with your learner's teacher is essential for success at school.

The math office can be reached at (416) 395-3190 extension # 20080.

For more information, please contact ACL Math and Numeracy Chamkaur Sidhu

Ontario University Entrance Math Requirements 

Also check this link: (Source: Mr. Gleeson, Bloor Collegiate.)

Ontario College Math Requirements  (Source: Mr. Gleeson, Bloor Collegiate.)


Contests For Student Participation

Please click here for an updated list of contests for the school year 2024-2025

"Being a student at Don Mills C.I. and doing Math Contests like the Waterloo Math Contest and Canadian Open Math Competition are great for practicing complex problem-solving as well as competing with others who share the same interest in mathematics as you. Math contests at Don Mills provide students with an engaging experience that all levels of mathematical proficiency can learn a thing or two from. Student - Jackie Chen"

Pascal (Gr. 9)
Fryer (Gr. 9)
Cayley (Gr. 10)
Galois (Gr. 10)
Fermat (Gr. 11)
Hypatia (Gr. 11)
Euclid (Senior)
Canadian Intermediate Math Contest (Gr. 9, 10)
Canadian Senior Math Contest (Gr 11, 12)
Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge COMC
AMC 12



Shallu Bhucher-Kundan
Steve Johnson
Lucia Miron

Crispin Duenas


Mathematics Policy


Rationale: Regular completion of assignments gives each student the opportunity to develop in the areas of Knowledge and Understanding, Inquiry/Thinking, Communication and Making Connections/ Application. Assignments are one method of determining how well students have met course expectations. It is expected that all students complete all assignments as part of their regular studies at DMCI.

Students are required to submit all assignments on due dates established by the teacher. In the event an assignment is not ready for submission on its due date, students may be given a second opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in the assignments' expectations, in keeping with the spirit and intent of the provincial assessment policy. However, it is the student's responsibility to justify to the teacher the need for an extension prior to the first deadline. Failure to do so to the teachers prior to the first deadline will result in the assignment being considered a non-submission and therefore a mark of zero will be assigned. The student will have failed to demonstrate proficiency of the assignment's expectations and will receive a mark of zero. Extenuating circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Once properly notified, a teacher in consultation with the student will establish a second deadline.
Note: The parameters of the second deadline i.e. timing of submission, additional support if necessary, etc. are up to the discretion of the teacher.
If the student submits the assignment on the new deadline as set by the teacher, it is marked without penalty.
If the assignment is not handed in on the new deadline, the assignment will be considered a non-submission. The student will not have demonstrated proficiency of the assignment's expectations, and a mark of zero will be assigned.
If a student is absent on the day the assignment is due:
and presents an acceptable note (see below) to explain his/her absence, the teacher will establish a second deadline (as in point 2 above) with the student.
and fails to present an acceptable note to explain his/her absence, the assignment is considered a non-submission. The student will have failed to demonstrate proficiency of the assignment's expectations and will receive a mark of zero.
Any abuse of the policy shall result in a loss of second deadline privileges.

Note: An acceptable note is one which a parent or guardian has signed and has been determined by the teacher and school to be valid. A doctor's note is one that a licensed professional has written, dated and signed.


Rationale: Teachers use tests as one way of gathering information to determine specific information about a student's knowledge.
It is expected that all students at DMCI write class tests as given by teachers.

Student absences are recorded by Main Office and calls home are made automatically. A medical note must be provided on the first day back from the absence. If an acceptable note is not submitted to the teacher, the student will be unable to take a make-up test and thus will not have demonstrated proficiency in the course expectations and therefore, a mark of zero is assigned.
Provided that an acceptable note is provided, the student may write a new make-up test on a date established by the teacher in consultation with the student. OR the student’s mark may be adjusted to excuse the test. This decision will be made at the teacher’s discretion on a case by case basis.
If a student fails to complete the make-up test on any new established dates, the student will not have demonstrated proficiency of course expectations and will receive a mark of zero.
If a student is away for a recognized school activity, it is the responsibility of the student to advise the teacher ahead of time, so that alternate testing arrangements can be made.
Students who are consistently absent from classroom tests shall be referred to Student Services and/or Main Office for counseling.


DMCI upholds the principle of academic integrity. We regard plagiarism and/or cheating as serious offences. Students are required to:

  • conduct all academic work within the letter and spirit of academic integrity. This prohibits the giving or receiving of unauthorized aid in all academic processes ( e.g. including non-cited works, copying parts or all of an assignment from peers, print materials or the Internet, using unauthorized notes or aids in an examination room).
  • maintain the confidentiality of examinations/tests/quizzes by not divulging any information concerning an exam/test/quiz (directly or indirectly) to another student.

The Penalty for Plagiarism (First Offence) may include any of the following:

  • Parental contact is made 
  • Zero on plagiarized product/assignment
  • Rewrite of assignment 
  • Deduction of marks on resubmitted final product/assignment (amount to be determined by department and shared with students at the beginning of a course) 
  • Reduction of marks for student who provides information to person found guilty of plagiarism (cheating on test, exam, passing of old essay etc.) 
  • Referral to Student Services and Administration
  • Suspension of student 
  • Documentation in OSR

Repeated Offences of Plagiarism/Cheating may include any of the following:


  • Zero on plagiarized product/ assignment 
  • Parental contact is made 
  • No rewrite of assignment 
  • Deduction of marks on final grade (up to 10%) 
  • Loss of credit 
  • Referral to Student Services and Administration 
  • Suspension of student 
  • Documentation in OSR 
  • Notification of Post Secondary Institution(s)


The completion of homework gives each student the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge in the areas of Knowledge and Understanding, Inquiry/Thinking, Communication and Making Connections/ Application. All homework assigned by the teacher should be completed.

Homework is assigned for the following reasons:


  • To keep up-to-date with classroom work.
  • To prepare for the next day's class work and/or for coming lessons.
  • To develop, review and reinforce special skills, and to transfer skills or concepts into new situations.
  • To enrich classroom experiences and deepen student's understanding, and to provide opportunities for problem solving and critical thinking.
  • Suggested Timelines: Grades 9/10 - 60~90 minutes per night in total Grades 11/12- 60~120 minutes per night in total.


Teachers must use assessment and evaluation strategies that accommodate the needs of exceptional students, consistent with the strategies outlined in their Individual Education Plan.

In planning instruction and activities and developing course materials, teachers must take into account the strengths, needs, learning expectations, and accommodations identified in the student's IEP. It is essential that teachers use the most appropriate methods and provide the most appropriate materials to help exceptional students achieve the expectations outlined in their IEP. Teachers may find it necessary to make changes in their style of presentation, their methods of organization, the amount and type of material covered, their use of technology and multimedia, and their assessment and evaluation strategies (for example, some students may need to be given additional time to complete tests, or the opportunity to take tests orally or in other forms). The assistance of professional and paraprofessional staff and the use of specialized equipment may also be required to accommodate the exceptional student's needs.


Grades 9-12: 70% includes some or all of: projects, assignments, quizzes, tests 30% final summative evaluation.
Textbooks must be returned when you leave the course. Replacement costs for an unreturned textbook can be found on the course outline.