Gifted Program

Gifted Program

The Gifted Intensive Support (ISP) is open to students with a Gifted designation, meaning students who have been identified by the TDSB as Gifted through the IPRC process. Students must also live in the DMCI catchment. 



Gifted classes at DMCI are self-contained and the curriculum is accommodated to meet the learning needs of gifted students.Course delivery is differentiated by breadth in that the content explores broad-based themes, and by depth and pace of topics. Inquiry-based learning organized around essential questions is a general focus of the program.

DMCI offers courses in core subject areas for ...

Grade 9 - English, Math, Science, & Geography

Grade 10 - English, Math, Science, & History

Grade 11 - English, Math, Science

Grade 12 - English. Math, Science

Gifted courses at the senior level (grades 11 and 12) change from year to year based on student demand which can include elective courses.  


1. How do we enroll in the Gifted Program at DMCI?

Grade 8 students in the TDSB are to participate in a review IPRC. At this time an Offer of Placement will be made for a GIfted Program. Students in the DMCI catchment are most likely to receive an Offer of Placement for DMCI.

2. Can my child participate in both the GIfted program and the CyberArts program?

NO - as of 2021-2022 students can only participate in 1 specialized program 

3. I would like to arrange for testing for my child. How do I go about it?

Students are typically tested in the TDSB in grade 3. However, if you feel your child may be gifted make the request to his/her school's special education MART or school principal. 

4. How will the program be different than the regular classroom program?

You can expect the gifted program to provide fundamentally different learning experiences from the regular academic program. The kind of learning experiences, the breadth and depth of content and delivery methods, and the pacing of the learning reflects the unique needs, interests, aspirations, and concerns of gifted learners.

5.  What additional opportunities are there for my gifted child?
There are several excellent summer programs available for high school students to "get a taste" of university life. These programs focus on developing leadership skills, building self-confidence, and pursuing enrichment opportunities - all in a residential setting. Testimonials from students who have completed these programs have been overwhelmingly positive.

For more information about the gifted program and the range of academic and extracurricular opportunities available for Gifted students in the TDSB, please consult the TDSB Special Education Parents' site, where you will find the TDSB's Special Education Plan, the Parents' Guide to Special Education, information on the IPRC process, Assistive Technology, and much more.

For more information about the Gifted program at DMCI, please contact: 

Gillian Kirk
Assistant Curriculum Leader, Gifted/Special Ed.