The ESL program at DMCI is designed to support students in their language learning.
For more information, please contact Shallu Bhucher-Kundan.
We offer a variety of ESL classes, including ESLB, ESLC, ESLD and ESLE each semester. Moreover, to ensure that each ESL student has a full program, modified courses may be offered if demand warrants.
Level B - (ESLB08)
This course expands students' essential English communication skills and cultural knowledge and introduces the language of classroom studies Short stories followed by reading and writing activities from English, Yes! (4-5) as well as short novels like Frankenstein and Harriet’s Daughter will be read, studied and discussed. Students will develop oral classroom skills and reading strategies, expand their vocabulary, and use more complex sentence patterns. Book reports, media projects and oral presentations will be learned and practiced at this level. Students will also learn how to use some school and community resources. The course strives to meet every student’s needs.
Level C - (ESLC08)
This course is designed to improve students’ accuracy in using English in classroom situations, for personal and career planning, and to understand the changing world around them. Students study and interpret a range of texts from English, Yes! (7) and produce a variety of forms of writing. Activities help students to develop their oral presentation skills and acquire study skills (including note-taking and summarizing skills) that will enhance their ability to learn in all subjects.
Level D - (ESLD08)
This course prepares students to use English with increasing accuracy in most classroom and social situations and to participate in society as informed citizens. Students will develop the reading, writing, and oral presentation skills required for success in all subjects. Students will study and interpret a variety of grade-level texts from Biographies, develop oral communication skills through participation in informal debates and seminars, and extend their range of research skills. Two novels will be read, studied and analysed: The Road to Khalifa and another selection. Short plays, essays and media articles will be analysed and discussed.
Level E - Bridge to English (ESLE08)
This course prepares students for secondary school English and other courses at the college and university preparation levels. Students will be encouraged to develop independence in reading literary works and academic texts, in writing essays and narratives, and in applying learning strategies and research skills effectively. The novel A Lesson Before Dying and Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet will prepare the students for the following English classes. Students will learn to respond critically to print and media works. The course strives to meet every student’s needs.