Pathways and Course Offerings

Pathways and Course Offerings

Course Offerings

For course descriptions and prerequisite information please visit the link below.

Gr 9 - 12 Course descriptions and Prerequisite


Choices: The Course Selection Placemat is your guide to life at a TDSB high school. With the support of your Guidance Counsellor and teachers, you’ll learn about career planning, program options, expectations and responsibilities while on your way to earning your diploma. All students will receive a copy of the ‘Choices: 9-12 Placemat’ during course selection time that will outline the step-by-step process for choosing courses and help you make decisions for the following year. 


Course Selection - myBlueprint

On (TBA) all students in all grades will have the opportunity to learn about the course selection process for the upcoming year.  Once course selections open and are submitted Via MyBlueprint by students, parents/guardians will need to approve the selections electronically (via email) before it will be accepted by the guidance department. 


Parents of Graduating Students - While some of your children may need to return to our school or move beyond Don Mills CI to pursue additional courses, the information session presented to Grade 12 students includes facts about final marks, deadlines and scholarship and financial aid opportunities as they anticipate post-secondary offers. It's important to note that a 100% completion of the IPP portion of My Blueprint makes students eligible for some local scholarships and bursaries.

Please feel free to contact your child’s alpha counselor so that we can meet to discuss the best possible pathway for their successful futures.


Kenneth McDowell – Alpha A - D

Paul Stoitsiadis – Alpha E – M

Maria Carey - Alpha N - Z 

Rory Stretch - International Students


Getting Your Diploma: OSSD

In order to obtain an Ontario secondary school diploma (OSSD), students must earn a total of 30 credits.  Students must successfully complete 18 compulsory credits and 12 optional credits along with completing the Ontario literacy requirement, and complete 40 community involvement hours.



Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) Requirements

  • 30 credits required for graduation:
    (18 compulsory and 12 optional)
    • 4 English, one per grade level
    • 1 French as a second language
    • 3 Mathematics, at least one in Grade 11 or 12
    • 2 Science
    • 1 Canadian geography
    • 1 Canadian history
    • 1 Arts (dance, drama, media, music, visual arts)
    • 1 Health and physical education
    • 0.5 Civics
    • 0.5 Career studies

Plus one credit from each of the following groups:
Group 1:

  • An additional English credit
  • French as a second language*
  • A third language credit
  • Social Sciences and Humanities 
  • Canadian and World Studies 
  • Guidance and Career Education 
  • Cooperative Education *

Group 2: 

  • Business Studies
  • Health and Physical Education
  • The Arts
  • Cooperative Education *
  • French as a second language *

Group 3:

  • Grade 11 or 12 Science
  • Technological Education
  • Computer Studies
  • Cooperative Education*
  • French as a second language *

- Earn at least two online learning credits (you can "opt-out" of this)  see the guidance department for this.

- 12 optional credits (your choice) 

- Successful completion of the literacy requiremenrt (Grade 10 Literacy test)

- 40 hours - Community Involvement:

To print a copy of the community involvement tracking sheet, please click here