April 7, 2019
The public consultation phase of the Yonge-Eglinton Phase 2 Program Area Review is currently underway. Parent representatives from Bedford Park PS, Eglinton Jr PS, Glenview Sr PS, Hodgson MS, John Fisher Jr PS, and Northlea E & MS are attending a series of Program Area Review Team (PART) meetings with School Principals, Superintendent, Trustees, and TDSB Central Staff to consider accommodation solutions with the aim of reducing enrolment pressures at local schools.
The role of the PART is to review data, discuss impacts of proposed changes, and come up with recommendations that will be shared with the Board of Trustees. During this process, we are committed to keeping parents/guardians and community members informed, and to give you the opportunity to provide feedback, share ideas and to ask questions.
Public meetings will take place on Monday, May 6, 2019 and Thursday, May 9, 2019 at Hodgson Middle School (282 Davisville Avenue) from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm to provide feedback and to ask questions. The same information will be presented at each of those two meetings.
Presentation material from each of the Program Area Review Team meetings as well as additional resources will be posted on the TDSB’s website:
Under ‘Current Program Area Reviews’, select: Bedford Park PS, Eglinton Jr PS, Glenview Senior PS, Hodgson MS, John Fisher Jr PS, Northlea E and MS.
The following documents are currently available on this website:
Committee Meeting 1 - Presentation, (April 2, 2019)
Frequently Asked Questions about the Yonge-Eglinton PART, (April 4, 2019)