
Benefits of applying for the CyberScience

* Smaller class sizes (max 25)* More individual learning opportunities
* More "hand-on" activities
* The opportunity to work with the latest technology
* As well as achievements such as

The CyberScience Award of Excellence

We are proud to have the CyberScience Program at Emery. Consider applying when making your choices for Grade 9.

Please download a copy of the Cyberscience Application 2022 and a copy of the Optional Attendance Form

Limited spaces are still available. 

Submit the completed application package by email to Please include CyberScience Application in the subject line of the email submission. Also, complete applications may also be delivered to our main office. Deadline is Friday, January 28, 2022.  


CyberScience is an enriched program in math, science and technology.

Students in the program travel together to their math, science and technology classes. The classes are scheduled so teachers can team teach and plan together.

Classes are scheduled to allow for integrated projects and special activities. Teachers must enter the students in maths and science contests that are offered both at the city and provincial levels.

The CyberScience students are very involved in school leadership. They participate in STEM activities that are offered at Emery: FIRST Robotics and VEX Robotics Competitions.