Students should arrive at least five minutes, but not more than 15 minutes before the entry bells. Students are expected to go straight home after dismissal. There is no supervision in the yard before 8:28 a.m.
or after 2:50 p.m.
AM Entry 8:38 Entry Bell Rings (Entry Time)
Period 1 8:40 Instructional Time
Period 2 9:10 Instructional Time
Period 3 10:05 Instructional Time
Period 4 10:45 Instructional Time
LUNCH 11:25
PM Entry 12:05 Entry Bell Rings (Entry Time)
Period 5 12:06 Instructional Time
Period 6 12:46 Instructional Time
Period 7 1:40 Instructional Time
Period 8 2:20 Instructional Time
Remedial 2:50 Dismissal Bell Rings
Students who participate in after school sports, who have not completed work, or have not followed school rules may be asked to remain after school if needed.