School Code of Conduct

Guildwood's Code of Conduct

Guildwood Jr. P.S. has developed the following three rules:

1. Be safe
2. Show respect
3. Act responsibly

Be safe means: We always act in a safe way. We keep our bodies and objects to ourselves. We walk in the halls and stairways. We use the playground and equipment in a safe way. We report any unsafe practices to an adult.

Show respect means: We follow the rules and speak respectfully to fellow students, teachers, parents and other adults. We treat our school and materials with care. We take our turn and let others have theirs. We seek safe and fair solutions to problems. We value each and every person as they are.

Act responsibly means: We complete our assignments to the best of our ability. We make sure we understand the rules. We admit when we make a mistake and work to fix it. We focus on our own learning and behaviour. We are responsible when using the Internet, computers and electronic equipment. We take responsibility for our own actions.

Recognition of Positive Behaviour
We are committed to fostering a positive school climate through purposeful, thoughtful and inclusive practices that support healthy student, staff and school community relationships. The vast majority of our students exhibit behaviour, which reflects self-discipline and respect for people and property in our school community. This type of appropriate behaviour is expected, appreciated, and recognized on a daily basis.

Interventions for Inappropriate Behaviour
Inappropriate student behaviour will be addressed by teachers and/or administration with the goal of improving student achievement, behaviour, accountability, and safety. The actions taken will be dependent on the nature, severity, and frequency of the individual case, and may involve any of the following range of progressive strategies and/or consequences, in accordance with the Toronto District School Board’s Caring and Safe Schools’ Policy:

• apology
• verbal reprimand
• proximity control
• time out/ temporary change of location
• reflection documentation
• warning
• detention
• behavioural contract
• restriction/loss of privileges
• discussion and counselling
• involvement of parent/guardian
• referral to School Team and/or outside agencies
• formal interview between with student, teacher, parent/guardian and principal
• performance of community service
• payment for repair or replacement of lost or damaged property
• formal suspension
• recommendation for expulsion

TDSB Chart of Consequences
chart of consequences of inappropriate student behaviour1

chart of consequences of inappropriate student behaviour