General School Rules
- Respect yourself and others
- Play games that are safe
- No swearing, teasing, or racial name calling
- Follow directions the first time they are given
- Walk quietly throughout the building
- Every person in our school has the right to be treated with dignity, courtesy and respect.
- Every person must accept responsibility for their own actions.
- Every person in our school has the right to be free of harassment – racial, sexual or verbal.
- Every person has the responsibility to help ensure that a positive and safe learning environment is maintained.
- Every person is to follow the TDSB code of On-line Conduct when using computers.
- Every person is asked to resolve conflicts and problems through peaceful means.
- Every person needs to attend, be punctual and be prepared to class
- Be courteous to and respectful of peers, staff, visitors and adults in school at all times as well as on field trips and in the neighbourhood
- Be respectful of the property of others and of all school property
Items NOT to be brought to School
- Weapons (penknives, caps, cap guns, play guns, etc.)
- Fireworks, matches/lighters, lighter fluid
- Noxious substances
- Laser pointers
- Rollerblades, skateboards & scooters
- Electronic games, iPods, tablets,laptops, gaming console, handheld games, CDs, mp3's players
- Collectable cards or other items
- Cell phones
TDSB Policy
The following behaviours are not acceptable on Board property, school buses or at Board-sponsored events:
- Violence
- Possessing a weapon
- Harmful or threatening acts
- Bullying (including cyber-bullying at school or from home) or intimidation
- Verbal abuse
- Possessing, using or trafficking in illegal drugs or unauthorized prescription drugs