School Council

School Council

School Councils are an excellent way for parents and caregivers to get involved in their children's education. Our school has an elected School Council that is an important forum for involving all members of the school community in issues that affect the education of students. The School Council, made up of an elected committee of parents/caregivers and community members, provides input to the principal on a variety of issues and activities relating to student achievement, curriculum goals and priorities, school budget priorities, school safety, renovation plans, after school activities, and criteria for selection of new principals.

School Council meetings are generally held every month.  A newsletter/flyer is sent home confirming the date/time of meetings.  The meetings usually take place between 9:15 am and 11:00 am in the school staff room. The agenda is based on the conversation and collective direction set from the prior meetings including upcoming school events. Please come, share and learn more about how you can become more involved in the life of your child's school. Light refreshments and childminding are provided.

Please click on the dates below for the minutes of previous meetings (coming soon):